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Illustration to the comedy Woe from Wit by Alexander Griboyedov, 1913.
Illustration to the comedy Woe from Wit by Alexander Griboyedov, 1913.
Illustration to the comedy Woe from Wit by Alexander Griboyedov, 1913.
Untitled, c. 1940.
Soviet Union - Friendship of Peoples, 1923-1924.
The Fall of the Titans, c. 1544.
Daedalus and Icarus, 1799.
Time protecting Truth from the Attacks of Discord and Envy, 1641.
Triumph of Venus, First Half of 15th cen..
Sheet from a series on the wall decorations of the Villa Negroni in Rome. Plate VII: Bacchus and Ari
The harmony between philosophy and religion, 1791.
Maslenitsa (Lubok), Second Half of the 19th cen..
The Muse Polyhymnia , First third of 17th cen..
The Judgement of Paris, c. 1500.
Allegory of France before the return of Napoleon from Egypt , c. 1810.
The Offering of the Heart (L'Offrande du coeur). Tapisserie   , ca 1400-1410.
, Second Half of the 19th cen..
Dionysus and two Maenads. Attic black-figured amphora, ca 550-530 BC.
The Euphronios Krater (Sarpedon krater). Sarpedon's body carried by Hypnos and Thanatos, c. 510-c. 5
Semiramis Called to Arms, 1645.
Verdun, 1917.
Old Angel, 1892-1895.
The Scream, 1893-1894.
The Muse Erato, c. 1480-1485.
Chinese calendar, 19th century.
Lady Lilith, 1867.
Breton Women, the Meeting in the Sacred Wood. (Bretonnes, réunion dans le bois sacré), ca 1892.
Men come together to make a man (Hito katamatte hito ni naru) , c. 1847.
The Charity, c. 1550.
Hercules and Omphale, 1701.
The Arcadian Shepherds (Et in Arcadia ego), ca 1638.
The Death of Cleopatra, 1785.
A young Cossack girl finds Mazeppa in a faint on the corpse of the horse , 1851.
Illustration The Nibelungs, 1898-1901.
Illustration The Nibelungs, 1898-1901.
Illustration The Nibelungs, 1898-1901.
Illustration The Nibelungs, 1898-1901.
Illustration The Nibelungs, 1898-1901.
Illustration The Nibelungs, 1898-1901.
Illustration The Nibelungs, 1898-1901.
Illustration The Nibelungs, 1898-1901.
Illustration The Nibelungs, 1898-1901.
Illustration The Nibelungs, 1898-1901.
Caesar on the banks of the Rubicon, 1854-1855.
The Feast of Fools (La Fête des Fous). The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo.
Cleopatra, ca 1639.
The Three Graces, Between 1635 and 1639.
Greek and Barbarians, 1920.
Mikake wa kowai ga tonda ii hito da (He looks scary but is really quite a nice person), c. 1847.
The nymphs crowning the Goddess of Abundance, ca 1603.
Venus and Amor, 1632.
Cupid and Psyche.
Triumphant Athlete, 1813.
Mercury and Argus, 1716.
Alexander the Great Cutting the Gordian Knot.
The Rape of Europa.
Profumo (Perfume), c. 1910.
Alexander before the Dead Body of Darius, um 1700.
Study for The Age of Wisdom , 1936-1938.
Study for The Age of Reason , 1936-1938.