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Terra Slavonica (Study).
Illustration to the poem The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov by M. Lermontov, 1891.
The dancers of Cogul. Cave painting from the Roca de los Moros (Roca dels Moros).
The coronation of Alexander III, 1883.
Design for a ceiling mural for the State Bank in Nizhny Novgorod , 1913.
Night on the Eve of Ivan Kupala.
Arcadia, c. 1910.
The Temptation , 1913.
Death, 1897.
Daughters of Sun (Saules meita), c. 1912.
Kalevipoeg, 1933.
Sun Kiss, 1917.
Death Comes to the Banquet Table (Memento Mori), Between 1625 and 1638.
L'Amour est aveugle (Love is blind) , 1920.
Illustration for Les chansons de Bilitis by Pierre Louÿs, 1922.
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
From the series Sono sugata yukari no utsushi-e (Magic Lantern Slides of That Romantic Purple Figure
The journalistic egg dance, c. 1840.
Title for the magazine Jugend (Youth), No. 14, 1897, 1897.
Valentin Haüy (1745-1822), 1806.
Vine tendrils. Design for the altar frieze of the church at the Steinhof in Vienna, 1905-1906.
Voie Sacrée (Sacred Way), Verdun, 1916.
Wu Zetian (625-705), Empress of China, 7th-8th century.
The Haitian Revolution. Slave rebellion on the night of 21 August 1791, 1833.
Poster for the Berlin Secession Exhibition, 1899.
Self-Portrait (Melancholy of the mountains), 1929.
Self-portrait with Gorget, c. 1629.
Self-Portrait, 1796-1797.
Standing Nude, 1893.
Portrait of Jean-Baptiste Berthier (1721-1804), 1800s.
Portrait of Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793), 1889.
Portrait of Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve (1756-1794), 1889.
Portrait of Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve (1756-1794), Early 1780s.
Portrait of Joachim Murat (1767-1815), c. 1811.
Portrait of John Calvin (1509-1564), um 1700.
Portrait of Karl Marx (1818-1883), .
Portrait of Marco Mantova Benavides (1489-1582), 1555.
Portrait of Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet (1743-1794), .
Portrait of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) , 1580.
Portrait of Pasquale Paoli (1725-1807), .
Portrait of Pasquale Paoli (1725-1807), 1889.
Portrait of Sir Matthew Hale (1609-1676), 1682.
Portrait of the Actor Claude Wolf, called Claude Bernard, .
Portrait of the composer Charles-Auguste de Bériot (1802-1870), .