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Jean-Marie Collot d'Herbois (1749-1796) , 1797.
Jean-Marie Roland de La Platière (1734-1793), 1790s.
Johannes Gutenberg in his workshop, .
Joseph Chalier (1747-1793) , 1790s.
Joseph Le Bon (1765-1795), 1889.
François Nicolas Léonard Buzot (1760-1794), 1889.
François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture (1743-1803), .
François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture (1743-1803), .
François-Joseph Talma (1763-1826), .
François-Xavier-Marc-Antoine de Montesquiou-Fézensac (1756-1832) , 1791.
Frederick V (1596-1632), Elector Palatine of the Rhine and King of Bohemia, ca 1631.
Frederick William III of Prussia (1797-1840), .
General Antoine-Guillaume Rampon (1759-1842) , 1818.
General Charles-François du Périer Dumouriez (1739-1823), 1790s.
General François Séverin Marceau-Desgraviers (1751-1847), 1889.
Georges Cadoudal (1771-1804), 1800s.
Georges Cadoudal (1771-1804), c. 1800.
Girl crocheting, 1904.
Edmond Louis Alexis Dubois-Crancé (1747-1814), 1791.
Fire in Saint Petersburg, May 1862, 1862.
Fort Douaumont, 25 October 1916, 1916.
Four Visions of the Hereafter (Reverse), ca. 1505-1510.
François Barthélemy (1747-1830), 1806.
Anna Sacher, née Fuchs (1859-1930), Early 1900s.
Antoine Quentin Fouquier-Tinville (1746-1795), 1805.
Cardinal Mazarin, 1790.
Charge of Cavalry (The Ragamuffin War), 1893.
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand Périgord (1754-1838), Prince de Bénévent, .
Charles Pierre François Augereau (1757-1816), 1889.
Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle (1760-1836), 1830s.
Comte Adam Philippe de Custine (1740-1793), 1889.
Contest of Beauties: A Geisha from the Eastern Capital, ca 1825.
Count Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot (1753-1823), c. 1800.
Crown Prince Frederick William III of Prussia (1797-1840), 1867.
Ader Éole, 1890.
Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith (1764-1840), .
Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith (1764-1840), 1808.
Alexandre, Vicomte de Beauharnais (1760-1794) , 1791.
Anders Chydenius (1729-1803), 1805.
The Fight of the Moneybags and Strongboxes (The Battle about Money), ca 1563.
Canto of Oleg the Wise. Double page, 1899.
Illustration to the Canto of Oleg the Wise, 1899.
Canto of Oleg the Wise. Double page, 1899.
Illustration to the book Children's Island by Sasha Chorny, 1921.
The Tale of the Forty-seven Ronin. Kakogawa Honzo and Momonoi Wakasanosuke, c. 1850.
Shogun Minamoto no Yoshitsune and his Samurai, c. 1840.
La nuit de Noël (Christmas Eve).
Eva Prima Pandora (Eve, First Pandora), c. 1550.
The Bavarian Don Giovanni, 1919.
Before the Festivity, 1920.
Tree Culture, 1924.
Dance You Monster to My Soft Song!, 1922.
Fright of a Girl, 1922.
In Angel's Care, 1931.
Harriet Beecher Stowe. Frontispiece of Uncle Tom's Cabin, or Life Among the Lowly by Voltaire, 18
Princess Volkhova, 1904.
Leda and the Swan.
The cottage at the foot of the mountain, 1914.
Tristesse, 1892.