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75pages, 4,489 results in yourKeywordsearch for"allegory and literature"Advanced Search
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Magic bowl with an incantation text in Judeo-Aramaic and an image of the demon Lilith, 5th-6th centu
Lilith, 1887.
Autumn (Venus and Adonis), 1616-1617.
Sacred and Profane Love, ca 1515.
The Parca and the Angel of Death (La Parque et l'ange de la Mort), c. 1890.
The Night (La Nuit), 1897.
The procession of Thetis, c. 1490-1499.
Cupid with a Glass Globe, c. 1657–1658.
Midas and Bacchus, ca 1624.
The Death of Cleopatra, ca 1624-1625.
Mucius Scaevola before Porsenna, c. 1618.
Adam and Eve (Adam et Ève), 1902.
Women in the Garden (Song of Songs), 1891-1892.
Jealousy in the Garden, 1929-1930.
Old Woman with a Pearl Necklace and Letter (Vanitas), ca 1663.
The Fountain of Life. Epitaph for Father Clemenssoen, 1511.
Epitaph of Goldsmith Nicolas Müller of Prague, ca 1592.
Saint Ludmila and Saint Wenceslaus during the Mass, 1837.
The Tale The Golden Cockerel by A. Pushkin, 1907.
The Tale The Golden Cockerel by A. Pushkin, 1907.
Illustration for the book Hunting in the North, Early 1930s.
Illustration for the book Hunting in the North, Early 1930s.
Illustration for the children's book Clay Necks, 1931. Creator: Popova, Lidia Vladimirovna (1903-1953).
Illustration for the children's book Clay Necks, 1931. Creator: Popova, Lidia Vladimirovna (1903-1953).
The Love, c. 1900.
Romulus' Victory Over Acron, 1812.
The Faith. Cardboard for the windows of the Chapel of St. Ferdinand, 1842.
Krishna and the Call of the Flute, c. 1790.
The Virgin, 1913.
Black Lake, 1904.
The Tree Man, c. 1505.
The Siege of an Elephant, c. 1550.
Four Visions of the Hereafter, ca 1490-1510.
Four Visions of the Hereafter, ca 1490-1510.
Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, .
A Grotesque Scene With Animals Playing And a Dog Wrapped In Swaddling Clothes, Second Half of the 17
A concert of animals, birds and stylised figures, Second Half of the 17th cen..
Falstaff, 1906.
Helen of Troy, 1863.
Peace Bringing Back Abundance (La Paix ramenant l'Abondance), 1780.
Profil sous une arche, c. 1905.
The Death of Decius Mus, 1616-1617.
Summer, ca 1658.
Tu Marcellus Eris ... (Virgil reading the Aeneid), after 1811.
Luigi Cherubini and the Muse of Lyric Poetry, 1842.
Adam, Opus III, From: Eve and the Future, 1898.
Peacock. Illustration to Le Bestiaire by G. Apollinaire, 1910-1911. Creator: Dufy, Raoul (1877-1953).
Allegory of the Battle of Lepanto, c. 1573.
Untitled, fragment (Still Life with green Reiter), 1908.
Autumn or Allegory Against the Abuse of Wine, Between 1475 and 1500.
Luigi Cherubini and the Muse of Lyric Poetry, 1842.
Saint Camillus de Lellis saves the sick of the Ospedale di Santo Spirito in Sassia during the floodi
The Seven Works of Mercy, 1607.
Allegoria del Golfo e del Palazzo delle Poste di La Spezia, ca 1933.
A Zodiac Man diagram showing the seasons for bloodletting. From Liber Cosmographiae, 1408.
Nilas offer, Julbocken, .
Nilas offer, Julbocken, .
Stormjätten, jordskakaren, .
Bergaporten, 1918.
Herr Fabian, c. 1907.