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Skinnpåsen, c. 1908.
Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider), 1914.
Triton and Nereid, 1892.
The Penitent Mary Magdalene visited by the Seven Deadly Sins, c. 1608-1610.
Landscape with Figures and Crucifix. From Klänge (Sounds), 1913.
Motif from Improvisation 10. From Klänge (Sounds), 1913.
Tsarevich, .
Sappho, Poesies, 1944.
Lucrezia begging her father in law Doge Francesco Foscari to interfere in favor of her husband Jacop
Introducing the Miracle (Pre&#769sentation du Miracle), 1916.
Clorinda rescues Olindo and Sophronia.
Jupiter and Danae.
The Saints Boris and Gleb.
The Sword of Damocles.
Window in the Garden.
With the Wheel.
Illustration to the fairy-tale poem The Humpbacked Horse by P. Yershov.
Illustration to the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila by A. Pushkin.
Frontispiece to Les chansons érotiques by Pierre-Jean de Béranger.
Study for The Age of Love.
Study for The Age of Wisdom.
Study for The Age of Reason.
Study for The Slav Epic. The Defense of Sziget by Nicholas Zrinsky.
By force towards freedom, with love towards unity! Study for the mural at the Lord Mayor's Hall, Pra
The Moon and the Stars. Study for The Pole Star.
Painting (From the series The Arts).
The Light of Hope.
France Embraces Bohemia.
Three Ages of the Woman and the Death.
Standing Witch with Monster.
The Enigma.
Illustration for Le Maître chat ou le chat botté by Charles Perrault.
Illustration for The Wandering Jew.
Inferno. Illustration to the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri.
Illustration to the book The Surprising Adventures of Baron Münchhausen by Rudolph Erich Raspe.
Leda and the Swan.
Kakhetian Epic (Alazani Valley).
Feast at Vintage Time.
Diana and Actaeon.
Childhood of Jupiter.
Manius Curius Dentatus.
Venice Triumphant.
The Soul of the Rose.
The Solitude of Christ.
The Scholars.
The goddess Diana receiving the kill.
The Death of Cleopatra.
Punch Bowl with Masonic Symbols.
Emblem of the Masonic Lodge Flaming Star.
Masonic Master Apron, Russia.
Masonic Plaque, Russia.
Allegory of Freemasonry.
Frontispiece to Freemasonry by Alexandre Lenoir.
The Nymph of the spring.
The Three Graces.