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75pages, 4,489 results in yourKeywordsearch for"allegory and literature"Advanced Search
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The embarkation of Helen of Troy.
Roland and Angelica.
Iris Carrying the Water of the River Styx to Olympus.
Reversible Anthropomorphic Portrait of a Man Composed of Fruit.
Orpheus and Eurydice.
The Vision of Catherine of Aragon.
Medea rejuvenates Aeson.
The Time, Minerva and Fama.
Portrait of a Lady as Flora.
Israfil. Creator: Dulac, Edmund (1882-1953).
Self-Portrait and Portrait of the Tomcat Murr. The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr.
Midsummer Night's Fairies.
An Imperial Ottoman Calendar made for Sultan Abdülmecid I.
Cola di Rienzo.
Illustration for The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
Illustration for The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
Illustration for The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
Illustration for The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
Illustration for The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
Illustration for The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
Statuette of Isis with Horus on her Laps.
Houses by the park.
Morning grey.
The angel of life.
Love at the Source of Life (L'amore alla fonte della vita).
Contes Barbares (Barbarian Tales).
Allegory of Time.
Allegory of Winter.
Cover design for the Exhibition of Vincent van Gogh in Amsterdam.
Russian Scaevola. From the Syn otechestva (Son of the Fatherland) literary magazine.
Milo of Croton.
Death and Life.
Death in the Sickroom.
Red and White.
Tristan and Iseult.
The Investiture of the Knight. From: Lancelot du Lac.
The Wrath of Achilles.
Zenobia Discovered by Shepherds on the Banks of the Araxes.
Erasistratus Discovering the Cause of Antiochus' Disease.
The Vision of the Seven Candlesticks.
Achilles Receiving the Ambassadors of Agamemnon.
Apollo and Diana Punishing Niobe by Killing her Children.
The Dragonslayer.
Round Dance Of Putti. Sunrise.
O youth! Springtime of life! O spring! Youth of the year!.
Senecio (Baldgreis).
Night or The Silence.
The Dream.
La Tourgue en 1835.