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75pages, 4,489 results in yourKeywordsearch for"allegory and literature"Advanced Search
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Nightmare head.
The Finding of Don Juan by Haidee.
The Shepherd's Rest.
Allegory of the Night.
Song of Spring.
Crenaia, the nymph of the Dargle.
The Eternal Feminine.
He Is Free (Il est libre).
Two pregnant women.
Female head crowned with ram horns.
Death of Orpheus.
Fairy Tale II.
The Sign of Sagittarius (From the Cycle Zodiac).
The Sign of Virgo (From the Cycle Zodiac).
The Truth.
Goddess of Love (Angel of love).
Satan Sowing Seeds (from Les Sataniques).
And We Continue Fishing (from the Sancta series).
The Enchanted Garden.
The Tease.
At a Dinner of Atheists (from Les Diaboliques).
Samvara Mandala (Detail).
Water and Moon Kuan-Yin.
Vaisravana Bishamonten, the Guardian of the North.
The Tejaprabha Buddha Surrounded with Planet Deities.
Water and Moon Kuan-Yin.
Vaisravana Bishamonten, the Guardian of the North.
Maitreya Buddha.
Dionysius, tyrant of Syracuse and his daughters removing his beard.
The Education of Achilles.
Initiation of Paul I into a Grand Master of the Maltese Order.
Irnerius of Bologna.
The cold-water ordeal for witches.
Witch trials. From: Abraham Paling, T afgerukt mom-aansight der tooverye“.
The Witches' Sabbath.
Music (Musica).
Venus and Jupiter.
Anne Boleyn and Henry Percy.
The Nut-Brown Maid.
Once Upon a Time (Snow White).
The Vision, 1914.
Juliet and her Nurse.
Portia and the Caskets. Scene from the Merchant of Venice.
Tatyana. Illustration for the novel in verse Eugene Onegin by A. Pushkin.
The Tower of Babel.
The Witches' Sabbath by Moonlight.
Les épreuves.
Apollo and Daphne.