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75pages, 4,489 results in yourKeywordsearch for"allegory and literature"Advanced Search
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Democritus and Abderites.
The Death of Socrates.
Galatea and Polyphemus.
Perseus Freeing Andromeda.
Diana and Actaeon.
Minerva and Saturn protecting Art and Science from Envy and Falsehood.
Allegory (Apocalypse).
Ceres (Allegory of Summer).
Emperor Charles VI and Count Althann (Althann Giving to Charles the Inventory of the Paintings in th
The Witches' Sabbath.
Mercury meets Herse.
The Daughters of Cecrops Finding the Child Erichthonius.
The Witches' Kitchen.
The Miracle of a Dominican Saint (Saint Goncalo de Amarante?).
Mars and Venus trapped in Vulcan's net.
Vanity Still Life (Christ in the House of Martha and Mary).
Vanity Still Life.
Alboin and Rosamund.
Vulcan hands Thetis the shield for Achilles.
Astraea leaves the earth.
Orpheus among the animals.
Ansegisus and Saint Begga.
The Meeting of King Ferdinand of Hungary and Cardinal Infante Ferdinand before the Battle of Noerdli
The Wonder of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
Orpheus in the Underworld.
The Vision of Saint Teresa of Ávila.
The Four Rivers of Paradise (The Four Continents).
Saint Ambrose and Emperor Theodosius I.
Head of Medusa.
Cymon and Iphigenia.
Illustration to Puss in Boots by Ch. Perrault.
Theseus the Liberator. Ancient Roman fresco from Herculaneum Basilica.
Four Witches.
Allegory of the Empress Catherine II with the Text of Nakaz (Instructions).
Parsifal, Act II: The Evocation of Kundry.
Gold of the Rhine (Das Rheingold).
The Twilight of the Gods. Siegfried and the Daughters of the Rhine.
Illustration for Story Taras Bulba by N. Gogol.
Joseph Balsamo, comte de Cagliostro, in his cabinet, creating an Homunculus.
Semiramis Called to Arms.
Semiramis Called to Arms.
Regina Semiramide.
Democritus and Protagoras.
Le réveil d'Ulysse.
Town Castle Kr..
Miniature from the Manuscript Liber Floridus.
Miniature from the Manuscript Liber Floridus.
Miniature from the Manuscript Liber Floridus.
Fortuna with a crown.
The Plague.
The Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne.
Nightmare (Mareridt).
The Sin.
The enchantment or The sacred grove. (L'Incantation ou Le Bois Sacré).