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Pia de' Tolomei, 1846. Creator: Sala, Eliseo (1813-1879).
Scena di combattimento (battle scene), c.1557. Creator: Gambara, Lattanzio (around 1530-1574).
The generosity of Scipio Africanus, c.1557. Creator: Gambara, Lattanzio (around 1530-1574).
The Bride of the Nile (The Sacrifice of a Virgin to the Nile), 1865. Creator: Faruffini, Federico (1831-1869).
Maitreya with the thirty-five Buddhas of forgiveness of sins and the master of the..., 15th cent. Creator: Tibetan Culture.
femininity, 1928. Creator: Fillia, (Luigi Colombo) (1904-1936).
Cimabue and Giotto, 1854. Creator: Besteghi, Andrea (1817-1869).
I sette vizi capitale (The seven main sins). Creator: Fabbi, Fabio (1861-1946).
Venezia che spera (Allegory of Venice hoping for unification with Italy), 1861. Creator: Appiani, Andrea, il Giovane (1817-1865).
Scene from the Genpei War, 17th century. Creator: Unknown artist.
Vestal, 1900. Creator: Corcos, Vittorio Matteo (1859-1933).
Venus with the mirror, 1527. Creator: Romano, Giulio (1499-1546).
Venus disarms Cupid, 16th century. Creator: Romano, Giulio (1499-1546).
Apollo and Daphne, 1510-1515. Creator: Bordone, Paris (1500-1571).
Allegory of justice and peace, c.1620. Creator: Palma il Giovane, Jacopo, the younger (1544-1628).
Cupid carving bows (after Parmigianino). Creator: Heintz, Joseph, der Ältere (1564-1609).
Portrait of a young woman as Porcia Catonis, Second half of the 16th century. Creator: Santi di Tito (1536-1603).
Dante's Death (La morte di Dante), 1852-1853. Creator: Moretti Larese, Eugenio (1822-1874).
La sonnambula (Die Nachtwandlerin), c.1848. Creator: Catalano, Vincenzo (active 1840er-1850er).
Hecuba and Priam, First half of the 17th century. Creator: Padovanino (1588-1649).
Visit of Venus in the forge of Vulcan, c.1585-1590 . Creator: Palma il Giovane, Jacopo, the younger (1544-1628).
Iris in the realm of hypnosis, c.1670. Creator: Carpioni, Giulio (1613-1678).
The doge Marino Faliero accusa il giovane Steno di essere the author of the writing..., 1844. Creator: Hayez, Francesco (1791-1882).
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), 1872. Creator: Vela, Vincenzo (1820-1891).
The chastisement of love (Cupid is whipped by Mars, pursued by a fury), End of 16th century. Creator: Mainardi, Camillo (1544/49-1608).
Pan and Syrinx. Creator: Dorigny, Louis (Ludovico) (1654-1742).
The Venus Festival, Mid-17th century. Creator: Carpioni, Giulio (1613-1678).
The conquest of Troy, c.1639. Creator: Tassi, Agostino (1578-1644).
Mahasiddha Damarupa, First quarter of the 16th century. Creator: Tibetan Culture.
Death god Yama, 16th century. Creator: Chinese Master.
Untitled (composition and still life), 1927-1928. Creator: Funke, Jaromir (1896-1945).
Perseus frees Andromeda, c.1612. Creator: Manetti, Rutilio (1571-1639).
Rinaldo and Armida, First half of the 17th century. Creator: Tiarini, Alessandro (1577-1668).
Lucretia. Creator: Hemessen, Jan Sanders, van (c. 1500-c. 1566).
Luna, Goddess of the Moon. Roman Mosaic, 3rd cen. AD. Creator: Classical Antiquities.
Les Propheties de M. Michel Nostradamus (Title page with portrait), 1605. Creator: Anonymous.
War elephant. From "De re militari" by Vegetius, 1592. Creator: Anonymous.
Young woman attacked by death. (The Ravisher), c.1495. Creator: Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528).
A thangka of Amitabha in the Pureland of Sukhavati, 18th century. Creator: Tibetan culture.
Achilles Discovered by Ulysses Among the Daughters of Lycomedes. Creator: Baellieur, Cornelis de, the Elder (1607-1671).
Allegory of Justice, 1776-1777. Creator: Bacciarelli, Marcello (1731-1818).
Arhat Panthaka, End of 18th-early 19th century. Creator: Anonymous.
Beflügeltes (Winged), 1931. Creator: Klee, Paul (1879-1940).
Blue Flower Loneliness, 1892-1893. Creator: Lechter, Melchior (1865-1937).
Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, 18th century. Creator: Anonymous.
Dido at the stake summoning the gods. Creator: Kauffmann, Angelika (1741-1807).
Erminia, ca 1781. Creator: Kauffmann, Angelika (1741-1807).
Illustration for "Le tombeau des delices du monde" by Jean Puget de La Serre, 1631. Creator: Jode, Pieter I, de (1570-1634).
Illustration for Pelléas et Mélisande by Maurice Maeterlinck, 1922. Creator: Schwabe, Carlos (1866-1926).
Illustration for Pelléas et Mélisande by Maurice Maeterlinck, 1922. Creator: Schwabe, Carlos (1866-1926).
Illustration for the poem "Le Corbeau (The Raven)" by Edgar Allan Poe, 1875. Creator: Manet, Édouard (1832-1883).
Illustration for the poem "Le Corbeau (The Raven)" by Edgar Allan Poe, 1875. Creator: Manet, Édouard (1832-1883).
Illustration for the poem "Le Corbeau (The Raven)" by Edgar Allan Poe, 1875. Creator: Manet, Édouard (1832-1883).
Illustration from "Les terres du ciel voyage astronomique sur les autres mondes" by Camille..., 1884 Creator: Anonymous.
Jeanne d'Arc sauvant la France (Portrait de Sarah Bernhardt), 1916. Creator: Abbéma, Louise (1853-1927).
Kintaro rigyo o toru (Kintaro catches a giant Carp), 1885. Creator: Yoshitoshi, Tsukioka (1839-1892).
La Deuxième aventure céleste de Monsieur Antipyrine par Tristan Tzara, 1938. Creator: Anonymous.
Les Baigneuses ou Petit Lesbos, 1910. Creator: Girieud, Pierre Paul (1876-1948).
Les drames de la mer, 1889. Creator: Gauguin, Paul Eugéne Henri (1848-1903).
Mountain landscape with the shot of William Tell. Creator: Momper, Joos de, the Younger (1564-1635).