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Christmas Gambols, November 30, 1812., November 30, 1812. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
Miss A.B. Conway, from World's Beauties, Series 2 (N27) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes, 1888., 1888. Creator: Allen & Ginter.
Washington, Crossing the Delaware-On the Evening of Dec. 25th 1776, previous to the Battle..., 1876. Creators: Nathaniel Currier, James Merritt Ives, Currier and Ives.
Christmas Eve (published Harper's Weekly, January 3, 1863), 1863 (?). Creator: Thomas Nast.
Christmas Eve, 1862 (from Harper's Weekly), January 3, 1863. Creator: Thomas Nast.
Santa Claus in Camp (from Harper's Weekly), January 3, 1863. Creator: Thomas Nast.
Melchior, after Three Magi series by Jacques Bellange, ca. 1615. Creator: Matthaus Merian.
Caspar, after Three Magi series by Jacques Bellange, ca. 1615. Creator: Matthaus Merian.
Balthasar, after figure in "The Adoration of the Magi" by Jacques Bellange, ca. 1610-50. Creator: Matthaus Merian.
The Adoration of the Magi. Creator: Attributed to Monogrammist 9 (Italian).
The Nativity, early 16th century. Creator: Parmigianino.
The Nativity, 16th century. Creator: Parmigianino.
The Nativity, ca. 1527-30. Creator: Parmigianino.
The Wise Men out of the East, 1868. Creator: John La Farge.
The Nativity.n.d. Creator: John La Farge.
Pelerinage a Saint Nicolas.n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Remember Me! New Year's Gift or Christmas Present, 1826. Creator: Fenner.
St. Nicolas Praying for a Dying Man. Creator: Claude Mellan.
The New Parliament Pudding or John Bull's Treat, ca. 1832. Creator: Unknown.
The Nativity of Christ, from the series "The Life of the Virgin", ca 1503. Creator: Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528).
The Christmas Fair Am Hof , 1901. Creator: Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916).
The Adoration of the Shepherds. Creator: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678).
The Census at Bethlehem (The Numbering at Bethlehem), Early 17th cen.. Creator: Brueghel, Pieter, the Younger (1564-1638).
The Adoration of the Magi, 1896. Creator: Previati, Gaetano (1852-1920).
The Nativity of Christ, First Half of 16th cen.. Creator: Leyden, Aertgen Claesz., van (c. 1498-c. 1564).
The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1615-1616. Creator: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640).
The Nativity of Christ, 1515-1530 . Creator: Master of West Flanders (active ca. 1515-1530).
The Nativity of Christ, ca 1525-1550. Creator: Isenbrant, Adriaen (1490-1551).
The Adoration of the Magi, 1598-1599. Creator: Brueghel, Jan, the Elder (1568-1625).
Dressing for the Carnival, 1877. Creator: Winslow Homer.
Saint Nicholas of Bari, mid-1430s. Creator: Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio.
'The children gleefully follow her', 1917. Creator: Unknown.
The Adoration of the Magi, 1582. Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594).
The Adoration of the Magi, First Half of 16th cen.. Creator: Bening, Simon (c. 1483-1561).
The Christmas Fair , 1872. Creator: Rosen, Georg von (1843-1923).
The Adoration of the Magi, 1841-1844. Creator: Scheffer, Ary (1795-1858).
Christmas-Time, The Blodgett Family, 1864. Creator: Eastman Johnson.
Preparing for Christmas (Plucking Turkeys), 1851. Creator: Francis William Edmonds.
'Queen Alexandra as a Christmas Fairy', First World War, 1915, (c1920). Creator: Unknown.
British troops spend Christmas on the battlefield, First World War, c1916, (c1920). Creator: Unknown.
Soldiers write Christmas greetings on a shell, Western Front, First World War, c1916, (c1920). Creator: Unknown.
1901 Durkopp with Santa Claus delivering Christmas gifts. Creator: Unknown.
Painted wooden ceiling, Dädesjö Old Church, Småland, Sweden, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
What Came of Killing a Rich Uncle One Christmas Time, 1865. Creator: Charles Samuel Keene (British, 1823-1891).
What Came of Killing a Rich Uncle One Christmas Time, 1865. Creator: Charles Samuel Keene (British, 1823-1891).
Leaf from a Gradual: Historiated Initial S[alve Sancta Parens]..., c. 1420-1450. Creator: Unknown.
Untitled (Pifferari), c. 1851-1855. Creator: Unidentified Photographer.
The Christmas Tree, 1858. Creator: Winslow Homer (American, 1836-1910).
Sauce Boats and Trays, c. 1890. Creator: Barbour Silver Company (American); William Christmas Codman (British, 1839-1921), attributed to.
Single Leaf from an Antiphonary: Initial H[odie nobis] with The Nativity, 1471. Creator: Benvenuto di Giovanni (Italian, 1436-1509/17).
Sketch for "Christmas on the River". Creator: William Leroy Jacobs (American, 1869-1917).
Saint Nicholas of Bari, 1472. Creator: Carlo Crivelli (Italian, 1430/35-1495).
Sally Avery Olds; Nathaniel Olds, 1837. Creator: Jeptha Homer Wade (American, 1811-1890).
Our Christmas Turkey, Mr. Bobsby Concerned, 1868. Creator: Charles Samuel Keene (British, 1823-1891).
Pair of Graduals: Initial (M) with St. Andrew (recto) and Mass for the Dead (recto), c. 1480. Creator: Jacopo Filippo d' Argenta (Italian, 1501).
Nathaniel Olds, 1837. Creator: Jeptha Homer Wade (American, 1811-1890).
Leaf from an Antiphonary with Historiated Initial (H) with The Nativity (recto) and Music (verso). Creator: Unknown.
Leaf from an Antiphonary: Initial H with the Nativity (recto) and Text (verso), c. 1480. Creator: Unknown.
Leaf from an Antiphonary: Initial H with the Nativity (recto), c. 1480. Creator: Unknown.
Leaf from an Antiphonary: Text (verso), c. 1480. Creator: Unknown.