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The Monomakh's Globus cruciger. From the Antiquities of the Russian State, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
The Monomakh's Globus cruciger. From the Antiquities of the Russian State, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
Globus cruciger of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. From the Antiquities of the Russian State, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
Globus cruciger of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. From the Antiquities of the Russian State, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
Globus cruciger of Tsar Peter I. From the Antiquities of the Russian State, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
The State shield. From the Antiquities of the Russian State, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
The Imperial Crown of Empress Anna Ioannovna, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
The Imperial Crown of Empress Anna Ioannovna, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
The Maltese crown of Tsar Paul I. From the Antiquities of the Russian State, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
Gold Plated Silver Cup. From the Antiquities of the Russian State, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
Altabas (Brocade) crown (Siberian cap) of Tsar Ivan V Alekseevich, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
The Sceptre. From the Antiquities of the Russian State, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
Diamond Cap of Tsar Ivan V. From the Antiquities of the Russian State, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
The Monomakh's Globus cruciger. From the Antiquities of the Russian State, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
Gold Plated Silver Cup from 1596 of the Tsar Feodor I of Russia, 1849-1853. Creator: Solntsev, Fyodor Grigoryevich (1801-1892).
The Virgin with a crown of stars and a sceptre, 1516. Creator: Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528).
Christ Crowned with Thorns, from the series "The Small Passion", ca 1509-1511. Creator: Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528).
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria (1858-1889), 1889. Creator: Angerer, Victor (1839-1894).
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria (1858-1889), ca 1885. Creator: Angerer, Victor (1839-1894).
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria (1858-1889), ca 1885. Creator: Angerer, Victor (1839-1894).
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria (1858-1889), 1888. Creator: Angerer, Victor (1839-1894).
The Adoration of the Magi, fourth quarter 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
The Expectant Madonna with Saint Joseph, c. 1425/1450. Creator: Unknown.
Allegorical Portrait of Dante, late 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Christ Crowned with Thorns, fourth quarter 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Figurehead, 1935/1942. Creator: Unknown.
The Muses Urania and Calliope, c. 1634. Creators: Simon Vouet, Workshop of Simon Vouet.
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Four Saints, c. 1240/1245. Creator: Margarito d'Arezzo.
Saint Anne with the Virgin and the Christ Child, c. 1511/1515. Creator: Master of Frankfurt.
The Baptism of Clovis, c. 1500. Creator: Master of Saint Gilles.
Calvary, c. 1470/1480. Creator: Master of the Death of Saint Nicholas of Münster.
The Coronation of the Virgin, 1324. Creator: Master of the Washington Coronation.
Alexander Condemning False Praise, 1760s. Creator: Mura, Francesco de.
The Baptism of Christ, c. 1508/1519. Creator: Juan de Flandes, the Elder.
Saint Catherine, 1522. Creator: Lorenzo Lotto.
Lamentation, c. 1620. Creator: Jacopo Palma.
Allegory of Music, 1764. Creator: Francois Boucher.
Saint Helena, c. 1495. Creator: Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano.
Pietà (The Dead Christ Mourned by Nicodemus and Two Angels), c. 1500. Creator: Filippino Lippi.
The Coronation of the Virgin, c. 1475. Creator: Filippino Lippi.
The Entombment of Christ, c. 1450. Creator: Fra Angelico.
Peasants Celebrating Twelfth Night, 1635. Creator: David Teniers II.
The Veil of Veronica, c. 1618/1622. Creator: Domenico Fetti.
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Donor, 1470. Creator: Carlo Crivelli.
Christ Carrying the Cross, early 1620s. Creator: Cornelis van Poelenburch.
Louis XIII as Dauphin between Henri IV as Mars and Marie as Pallas Athena [reverse], 1603. Creator: Abraham Dupre.
The Coronation of the Virgin with Six Angels, c. 1390. Creator: Agnolo Gaddi.
An Allegorical Scene (Fame & Eros). Creator: Andrea Briosco.
Christ Crowned with Thorns, probably 1630. Creator: Anthony van Dyck.
Pendant for Horse Trappings, Spanish, 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
Bag, Italian, first quarter 19th century. Creator: A. Antinori.
Pouch, Russian, 1730-50. Creator: Unknown.
Fan, British, 1780-99. Creator: Unknown.
Scarf, British, 1897. Creator: Unknown.
The Descent from the Cross, 1606. Creator: Francesco Villamena.
Time crowning Employment and punishing Idleness, ca. 1650-77. Creator: Antoine Couchet.
Mrs. Abington as Thalia, 1783. Creator: Francesco Bartolozzi.
Mrs. Abington as Thalia, August 20, 1783. Creator: Francesco Bartolozzi.
The Graces Crowning the Bust of Raphael, July 28, 1788. Creator: Francesco Bartolozzi.
Catafalco Eretto Nella Basilica Vaticana ...per Alessandro VIII, 1691. Creator: Alessandro Specchi.