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The Mail Packet from Alexandria, off Marseilles - the Indian Mail on board, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
The Queen's second visit to Scotland, 1844. Creator: Smyth.
The magnificent silver-gilt wine cooler, at Windsor Castle...1844. Creator: Unknown.
Christ on the cross, a town in the background, after Reni, 1850-88. Creator: Antonio Dalco.
Emperor addressing his Soldiers, ca. 1542-45. Creator: Antonio Fantuzzi.
Contest Between Neptune and Athena, 1540-45. Creator: Antonio Fantuzzi.
Frontispiece for "Drawings of the war, siege, and assault of the Turkish army on the islan..., 1631. Creator: Antonio Francesco Lucini.
Coronation of Pope Pius VI, 1801. Creator: Antonio Poggioli.
Sacred Monogram. Creator: Antonius Wierix.
Ladies' Ticket of Admission to the Annual Caledonian Ball, 1824. Creator: Asher Brown Durand.
Apotheosis of the Arts, ca. 1619. Creator: Jan Muller.
The School of Needlework. A Woman Teaches Young Women. Creator: Attributed to Battista Angolo del Moro.
Proof half sovereign of George III, 1817. Creator: Benedetto Pistrucci.
Power, represented by a woman seated on clouds holding a crown and surrounded by putti,..., 1725-75. Creator: Carlo Innocenzo Carloni.
Frontispiece for Vnuiersa Historia Profana, ca. 1630-70. Creator: Charles Audran.
Frontispiece for 'Adversaria sacra', 1626. Creator: Charles Audran.
Title page vignette for 'Doctoris Martae Neapolitani', 1627. Creator: Charles Audran.
The Descent from the Cross, 1615-31. Creator: Charles David.
The Story that Stops Time (L'Histoire qui arrête le temps), 1708-54. Creator: Charles-Nicolas Cochin.
Saint Louis of France received into heaven by Christ and two angels who offer him the c..., 1671-80. Creator: Charles-Louis Simonneau.
The Crucifixion, 1662. Creator: Cornelis Bloemaert.
Plate 7: Triumphal Procession after Victory over Turks, from the Triumphs of Charles V, 1614. Creator: Cornelis Boel.
Plate 3: Charles V Crowned Emperor entering Rome with the Pope, from the Triumphs of Charl..., 1614. Creator: Cornelis Boel.
The Triumph of the Riches, from The Cycle of the Vicissitudes of Human Affairs, plate 2, 1564. Creator: Cornelis Cort.
The Coronation of the Virgin with St Lawrence, St Paul, St Peter and St Sixtus, 1576. Creator: Cornelis Cort.
The Immortal Rewards of Virtue, 1564. Creator: Cornelis Cort.
The Immortal Rewards of Virtue, 1564. Creator: Cornelis Cort.
Lament of the Art of Painting (Upper Half), 1579. Creator: Cornelis Cort.
Plate 17: Aeneas welcomed by King Euandrus in Italy; from Guillielmus Becanus's 'Serenissi..., 1636. Creator: Cornelis Galle I.
The Martyrdom of St Lawrence, ca. 1640-70. Creator: Attributed to Cornelis Meyssens.
Queen Elizabeth I, 1592. Creator: Crispijn de Passe I.
The Triumphant Christ, ca. 1530-36. Creator: Daniel Hopfer.
Virgin on a Crescent, Title-page from Pelbartus de Temesvar: Stellarium corone (Schr. 2869..., 1502. Creator: Attributed to Daniel Hopfer.
Puzzle Portraits of the Kings and Queens of England and France, 1794. Creator: Daniel Orme.
Paul Before Felix, ca. 1800. Creator: Dent.
Sullivan's Paul Before Felix, ca. 1800. Creator: Dent.
Female figure (Saint Catherine?) kneeling on the ground at center pleading to a male figur..., 1517. Creator: Domenico Campagnola.
Two Flayed Men and Their Skeletons, ca. 1540-45. Creator: Domenico del Barbiere.
The Catafalque of Philip IV of Spain, ca. 1665. Creators: Stefano Camogli, Domenico Piola I.
Predestination, ca. 1545-50. Creator: Enea Vico.
The Indian Triumph of Bacchus, ca. 1542. Creator: Attributed to Enea Vico.
La Coalition, n.d. Creator: Esprit-Antoine Gibelin.
Les Secondes Oeuvres, et Subtiles Inventions De Lingerie du Seigneur Federic de Vinciolo V..., 1603. Creator: Federico de Vinciolo.
Doge Enrico Dandolo crowns Baldovino the first emperor of the Latin Empire of Constanti..., 1745-94. Creator: Giacomo Leonardis.
Ecce Homo, from Speculum passionis domini nostri Ihesu Christi, 1507. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ Crowned with Thorns, from Speculum passionis domini nostri Ihesu Christi, 1507. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
The Carrying of the Cross. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Ecce Homo / Man of Sorrows, 1922. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
The Madonna of Mercy, from Hymmelwagen auff dem, wer wol lebt..., 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
The Holy Trinity, from Hymmelwagen auff dem, wer wol lebt..., 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
The Martyrdom of Saint Cecilia standing naked in a large cauldron, at left under..., ca. 1520-25. Creator: Marcantonio Raimondi.
Solidus, Byzantine, 610-641. Creator: Unknown.
William IV proof crown, 1831. Creator: William Wyon.
Half Groat of Henry VII (1485-1509), British, 15th-16th century (?). Creator: Unknown.
Groat of Henry VI, British, 1422-27. Creator: Unknown.
Panel with Coat of Arms, British, early 20th century (original dated 15th century). Creator: A A Bradbury.
The Head of Christ Crowned with Thorns, ca. 1520. Creator: Sebald Beham.
Initial letter H with dolphin and crown, mid-16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Giraffe, from Quadrupeds series (N41) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes, 1890. Creator: Allen & Ginter.
Lion, from Quadrupeds series (N41) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes, 1890. Creator: Allen & Ginter.