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Christ as the Man of Sorrows with the Virgin and St. John, ca. 1435-1491. Creator: Martin Schongauer.
The coronation of the Virgin, Christ holding the crown over her head, God the Father bless..., 1532. Creator: Master of the Die.
Two putti presenting cups full of gold to a putto in the guise of the god of riches..., ca. 1530-40. Creator: Master of the Die.
The Coronation of the Virgin, at lower left stands St John the Baptist, at lower right ..., 1530-60. Creator: Master of the Die.
A King Fisher on the Banks of the Thames, 1827. Creator: Monogrammist JVS.
The Crowning with Thorns, from The Passion of Christ, mid 17th century. Creator: Nicolas Cochin.
Trois Amours dont un tient un couronne, de Quatrième Livre de Groupes d'Enfans, 18th century. Creator: Pierre Alexandre Aveline.
Atabalipa, Roi du Pérou, ca. 1634-37. Creator: Jerôme David.
Christ as the Man of Sorrows with the Instruments of the Passion., 1517. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
Soldiers Giving Drink to Christ, ca. 1512. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
The Crowned Virgin With Child in Glory, ca. 1512. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
Sts. Peter and Paul With the Vernicle, 1517. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
Christ Crowned with Thorns (copy).n.d. Creator: Jan Muller.
St. Mary Magdelen at the Foot of the Cross, ca. 1612. Creator: Jan Muller.
Périandre, ca. 1639-40. Creators: Jean Couvay, Abraham Bosse.
The Woman Clothed with the Sun, from the Apocalypse.n.d. Creator: Jean Duvet.
Henri II, King of France, Between France and Fame, ca. 1548. Creator: Jean Duvet.
La Majeste Royale.n.d. Creator: Jean Duvet.
Apollon couronnant les arts (Apollo Crowining the Arts), from Recueil de Différentes Compo..., 1784. Creator: Jean Jacques Lagrenee.
La sainte Face couronnee d'epines, (petit format), early to mid 17th century. Creator: Jean Morin.
Groupe de deux angelots (l'un regardant de face et l'autre vers la gauche). Creator: Jean Morin.
La sainte Face couronnee d'epines, (grand format). Creator: Jean Morin.
L'Ecce Homo. Creator: Jean Morin.
Le Christ a la colonne. Creator: Jean Morin.
Christ with the Instruments of Torture Supported by a Little Angel, 1517. Creator: Hans Baldung.
The Virgin on the Grassy Bank, 1505. Creator: Hans Baldung.
Ecce Homo with Ornamental Border showing the Triumph of Bacchus, 1511. Creator: Hans Baldung.
Christ with the Instruments of Torture Supported by a Little Angel, 1517. Creator: Hans Baldung.
The Body of Christ Carried by Angels towards Heaven, 1516. Creator: Hans Baldung.
Madonna Lactans, from Enchiridon poeticum, 1515. Creator: Hans Baldung.
The Virgin and Child with Eight Angels in a Landscape, 1511. Creator: Hans Baldung.
St. Barbara, ca. 1505. Creator: Hans Baldung.
Man of Sorrows, from Speculum Passionis Domini Nostri Ihesu Christi, 1507. Creator: Hans Baldung.
St. Gregory (copy), after 1511. Creator: Unknown.
Ecce Homo, from The Passion of Christ, 1597. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Entombment, from The Passion of Christ, 1596. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Crowning with Thorns, from The Passion of Christ, 1597. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Infant Christ, from Allegorical Scenes on the Life of Christ, from Christian and Profane A.... Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Pietà, 1596. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Pluto; on verso sketches of a figure, four heads, and a column, 1592. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Crucifixion (Round) (reverse copy).n.d. Creator: Hieronymous Wierix.
The Blood of the Redeemer Venerated by Two Angels, before 1619. Creator: Hieronymous Wierix.
Christ Crucified, before 1619. Creator: Hieronymous Wierix.
Christ Sitting on the Cold Stone, before ca. 1586. Creator: Hieronymous Wierix.
Very Haughty and Very Mighty Legitimist Brats, February 1834. Creator: Honore Daumier.
The Genius of Castiglione, ca. 1645-47 (published 1648). Creator: Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione.
Habit de Roy: a man wearing a tonnelet decorated with rosettes, a crown and a turban w..., ca. 1721. Creator: Francois Joullain.
Queen Elizabeth I of England, late 16th-early 17th century. Creator: Attributed to Frans Huys (Netherlandish, 1522-1562).
Sémiramis, ca. 1639-40. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham Bosse.
Camme, 1647. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham Bosse.
Sphiron, ca. 1639-40. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham Bosse.
Ptolémée, ca. 1639-40. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham Bosse.
Théagène, ca. 1639-40. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham Bosse.
Pharaon, ca. 1639-40. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham Bosse.
Marianne, 1647. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham Bosse.
Sibylle Samienne, ca. 1635. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham Bosse.
Sibylle Lybique, ca. 1635. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham Bosse.
The Crucifixion with the Virgin, the Magdalen, and St. John, late 1570s. Creator: Giorgio Ghisi.
The Man of Sorrows; an image of Christ surrounded by nine vignettes depicting scenes of..., by 1575. Creator: Giorgio Ghisi.
The Coronation of the Virgin; surrounded by nine vignettes with scenes from the life of..., by 1575. Creator: Giorgio Ghisi.