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Allegory of Life, 1561. Creator: Giorgio Ghisi.
Monogram Crowned. Creator: Claude Mellan.
Headband: Two Infants with the Arms of France and Navarre. Creator: Claude Mellan.
Christ Taken by Soldiers (La Montée au Calvaire), 1659. Creator: Claude Mellan.
Face of Christ on St. Veronica's Cloth, 1649. Creator: Claude Mellan.
Anne of Austria with the Young Louis XIV and Monsieur before the Virgin and Child (Anne d'Autr.... Creator: Claude Mellan.
The Triumph of Love from The Triumphs of Petrarch, ca. 1548-49. Creator: Unknown.
Entombment of Christ, whose chest is grasped by Joseph of Arimathea, with two kneeling and..., 1543. Creator: Enea Vico.
Epic Poetry, ca. 1741. Creator: Claude Augustin Duflos le Jeune.
Satyrical Poetry, ca. 1741. Creator: Claude Augustin Duflos le Jeune.
Lyrical Poetry, ca. 1741. Creator: Claude Augustin Duflos le Jeune.
The Square Tower, 1637. Creator: Claude Lorrain.
Portrait of Cardinal Richelieu, 1651. Creator: Claude Mellan.
Frontispiece: Horace, Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera, 1642. Creator: Claude Mellan.
Frontispiece: Virgil, Publii Virgilii Maronis Opera, 1641. Creator: Claude Mellan.
Title Page: Philomathi Musae Juveniles, 1655. Creator: Claude Mellan.
Portrait of Crébillon, 1770. Creator: Augustin de Saint-Aubin.
Medal with Portrait of Caligula in the 6th Book, from Tibère ou les six premi..., published in 1768. Creator: Augustin de Saint-Aubin.
Portrait of Victor Amadeus III, King of Sardinia, 1777. Creator: Augustin de Saint-Aubin.
Francesco I d'Este Makes an Effort to Save his Crown by Allying Himself with the Barberini..., 1659. Creator: Bartolomeo Fenice.
Santa Maria Montis de Vicenza. Creator: Unknown.
Coronation of the Virgin, 1741. Creator: Unknown.
Christ Carrying the Cross, from The Passion of Christ, ca. 1598-1617. Creator: Unknown.
Christ Child with Instruments of the Passion, ca. 1550-1650. Creator: Unknown.
Ecce Homo, from the series The Large Passion, ca. 1498-99. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Bearing of the Cross, from The Large Passion.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Lamentation, from The Large Passion.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Virgin Appearing to Saint John, from The Apocalypse.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Virgin and Saint John, from the Apocalypse, 1511. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Saint Veronica.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Apocalyptic Woman, from the Apocalypse series, 1511. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Holy Family with Three Hares, ca. 1497-98. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Holy Trinity, 1511. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Triumphal Chariot of Maximilian I (The Great Tri..., probably finished ca. 1518, published 1522. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Bearing of the Cross, from the Small Woodcut Passion.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Ecce Homo (reverse copy).n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Christ Crowned with Thorns, ca. 1500. Creator: Possibly Albrecht Dürer (German, Nuremberg 1471-1528 Nuremberg).
Christ Crowned with Thorns, ca. 1500. Creator: Possibly Albrecht Dürer (German, Nuremberg 1471-1528 Nuremberg).
Christ Carrying the Cross, from The Large Passion, ca. 1498. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Napoléon, Emperor of the French, 1811. Creators: Henri Castel, Marie Guilhelmine Benoist.
The Virgin and Child Crowned by Two Angels above a Landscape (landscape trimmed out), ca. 1504. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Virgin Surrounded by Many Angels, 1518. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Saint Stephen, Saint Sixtus and Saint Lawrence.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Arms of the Empire and of Nuremberg, 1521. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Arms of Ferdinand I, King of Hungary and Bohemia.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Coat -of-Arms of Johan Stabius, edition of 1781.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Arms of the Holy Roman Empire and of the City of Nuremberg.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Great Triumphal Car, eight sheet.n.d. Creator: Unknown.
The Congress of Princes at Vienna, from the Triumphal Arch of Emperor Maximilian I, 1515. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Congress of Princes at Vienna.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Betrothal of Philip and Joanna.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Scourging of Christ.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Christ on the Cross, 1508. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Virgin on a Crescent with a Starry Crown, 1508. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Ecce Homo, from The Passion, 1512. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Christ Crowned with Thorns, from the Engraved Passion, 1512. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Man of Sorrows, from The Passion, 1509. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Christ Carrying the Cross, from The Passion, 1512. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Lamentation, from The Passion, 1507. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Man of Sorrows with Hands Bound, 1512. Creator: Albrecht Durer.