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The Sudarium Displayed by Two Angels, 1513. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Virgin on the Crescent with Scepter and Starry Crown, 1516. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Virgin and Child Crowned by Two Angels, 1518. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Virgin and Child Crowned by an Angel, 1520. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Holy Trinity (reduced copy).n.d. Creator: Unknown.
The Descent from the Cross, from The Small Passion, ca. 1509. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Lamentation, from The Small Passion, ca. 1509. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Deposition, from The Small Passion, ca. 1509. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Christ Crowned with Thorns, from The Small Passion, ca. 1509. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Ecco Homo, from The Small Passion, ca. 1509. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Deposition, from The Small Passion (copy).n.d. Creator: Marcantonio Raimondi.
Ecce Homo, from The Small Passion, ca. 1509. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Christ Crowned with Thorns, from The Small Passion, ca. 1509. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Lamentation, from The Small Passion, ca. 1509. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Christ Carrying the Cross, from The Small Passion, ca. 1509. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Saint Veronica between Saints Peter and Paul, from The Small Passion, 1510. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Trinity (copy).n.d. Creator: Unknown.
The Virgin Appearing to Saint John, Frontispiece to the Apocalypse, 1511. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Virgin Appearing to Saint John, Frontispiece to the Apocalypse, 1511. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Apocalyptic Woman, from The Apocalypse, Latin Edition, 1511, 1511. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Europe, mid to late 17th century. Creator: Abraham Bosse.
Title-page: De la Monarchie du Verbe incarné, 1638. Creator: Abraham Bosse.
American Eagle on Red Scroll, 1860-1900. Creator: WH Bean.
Christ Bearing the Cross. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Catherine of Alexandria, shortly after 1342. Creator: Pietro Lorenzetti.
Mercy's Dream, 1858. Creator: Daniel Huntington.
Lachrymae, 1894-95. Creator: Frederic Leighton.
The Coronation of the Virgin, and Saints, 1394. Creator: Giovanni di Tano Fei.
Charles X (1757-1836), King of France, after Gérard, 1829. Creator: Henry Bone.
Virgin and Child, ca. 1495-1500. Creator: Jan Provoost.
Christ Crowned with Thorns. Creator: Antonello da Messina.
A King Seated on His Throne, 1725. Creator: Unknown.
Astronomy (one of a pair), 1770-90. Creator: Unknown.
Mathematics (one of a pair), 1770-90. Creator: Unknown.
Pendant, 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
Game Piece in the Form of an Enthroned King, ca. 1200-1250. Creator: Unknown.
Manuscript Illumination with the Descent from the Cross, from a Book of Hours, late 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
Manuscript Illumination with the Trinity, from a Book of Hours, late 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
Friedrich III (1463-1525), the Wise, Elector of Saxony, 1533. Creator: Lucas Cranach the Elder.
King David in Prayer in an Initial B, ca. 1450. Creator: Zanobi di Benedetto Strozzi.
Our Lady of Guápulo, 18th century. Creator: Peruvian (Cuzco) Painter.
Head of Krishna: cartoon for a mural of the Raslila , ca. 1800. Creator: Sahib Ram.
Vishnu on Garuda, ca. 1810-20. Creator: Sajnu.
Madonna and Child with Angels, ca. 1445-50. Creator: Sassetta.
Queen Victoria, 1838. Creator: Thomas Sully.
The Monkey Leader Angada Steals Ravana's Crown from His Fortress..., ca. 1725. Creator: Manaku.
Manuscript Illumination with the Beheading of Saint Paul in an Initial S, from a Gradual, ca. 1278. Creator: Master of Bagnacavallo.
The Flagellation, ca. 1400. Creator: Master of the Berswordt Altar.
The Crucifixion, ca. 1400. Creator: Master of the Berswordt Altar.
The Coronation of the Virgin. Creator: Unknown.
The Penitent Magdalen, ca. 1750. Creator: Corrado Giaquinto.
Charles I (1600-1649), King of England, 1629. Creators: Daniel Mytens, King Charles I.
The Mourning Virgin; The Man of Sorrows. Creator: Posthumous Workshop Copy after Dieric Bouts (Netherlandish, Leuven, ca. 1525).
Angelo Maria Querini Created Cardinal by Benedict XIII, 1709-87. Creator: Francesco Zugno.
The Vocation of Saint Aloysius (Luigi) Gonzaga, ca. 1650. Creator: Guercino.
The Man of Sorrows, ca. 1525. Creator: Workshop of Aelbert Bouts (Netherlandish, Leuven ca. 1451/54-1549).
The Assumption of the Virgin. Creator: Ambrogio Bergognone.
Christ Carrying the Cross, ca. 1520-25. Creator: Jan Gossaert.
Christ Shown to the People, 1510-15. Creator: Jan Mostaert.
Christ before Pilate; The Resurrection. Creator: Ludwig Schongauer.