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82pages, 4,863 results in yourKeywordsearch for"crown"Advanced Search
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'Head II. From One of the Mural Paintings in the Church at Eton', 1911. Creator: Unknown.
'The Marriage of Princess Royal with Prince Frederick William of Prussia...1858', (1901).  Creator: Unknown.
'Queen Victoria's Plantagenet Costume Ball at Buckingham Palace, May 7, 1842...', (1901). Creator: Unknown.
'Tower of London...Bloody Tower...St. Thomas's Tower and Wakefield Tower', c1910.  Creator: Unknown.
'Tower of London. The Wakefield Tower', c1910. Creator: Unknown.
'Tower of London Yeoman Warders', c1920. Creator: Unknown.
Prince Albert in costume as Plantagenet King Edward III for the Bal Costumé, May 12 1842, (1843).  Creator: John Richard Coke Smyth.
James Innes-Ker in Plantagenet costume for Queen Victoria's Bal Costume, May 12 1842, (1843).  Creator: John Richard Coke Smyth.
Guest in costume for Queen Victoria's Bal Costumé, May 12 1842, (1843).  Creator: John Richard Coke Smyth.
Guest in costume for Queen Victoria's Bal Costumé, May 12 1842, (1843).  Creator: John Richard Coke Smyth.
'18th Hussars', c1910. Creator: Unknown.
'Coronation of Queen Victoria, June 28, 1838', (1901).  Creator: Unknown.
'Queen Victoria in State Robes', (1901). Creator: Unknown.
'Queen Victoria in her fourth decade', (1901).  Creator: Unknown.
'Queen Victoria at the time of her Accession', (1901). Creator: Unknown.
'Court-Yard of the "Rose and Crown", 1820', (c1876). Creator: Unknown.
'Farm in the Regent's Park, 1750', (c1876). Creator: Unknown.
'Old Bridge Over the Lake, Regent's Park, in 1847', (c1876). Creator: Unknown.
'Primrose Hill in 1780', (c1876). Creator: Unknown.
'The "Old Crown Inn", Highgate, 1830', (c1876). Creator: Unknown.
'The Man with the Muck-Rake', 1936. Creator: Unknown.
'Lord Howe', (1726-1799), 1816. Creator: Unknown.
'Napoleon Buonaparte', (1769-1821), 1816. Creator: Unknown.
'The Archduke Charles of Austria', (1771-1847), 1816. Creator: Unknown.
'Nelson', (1758-1805), 1816. Creator: Unknown.
'God Grants Victory to England', 1816. Creator: Unknown.
'Lord Exmouth', (1757-1833), 1816. Creator: Unknown.
Coronation of Charlemagne in Rome, Christmas Day, 800 AD, (1936). Creator: Unknown.
Henry the Fowler being offered the crown while trapping birds, (1900), (1936).  Creator: Hermann Vogel.
Rudolf of Habsburg receives the news of his election as king of Germany, 1273, (1936). Creator: Unknown.
Emperor Maximilian I, (1936).  Creator: Unknown.
Crown Prince Frederick and Prince their father the king 'Good Night', 1727, (1936). Creator: Unknown.
The Crown Prince and his music teacher are interrupted during a flute lesson, 1729, (1936). Creator: Unknown.
Prince Eugene and Crown Prince Frederick, 1734, (1936). Creator: Unknown.
Victory celebration at Hohenfriedberg, 4 June 1745, (1936). Creator: Unknown.
Coronation of Wilhelm I in Königsberg, 18 October 1861, (1936). Creator: Unknown.
Meeting of King Wilhelm I and Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm at...Königgrätz, 3 July 1866, (1936). Creator: Unknown.
Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm with the body of General Douay, 4 August 1870, (1936). Creator: Unknown.
Emperor Frederick III, c1888, (1936).  Creator: Unknown.
The SS 'Kronprinzessin Cecilie', c1910.  Creator: Unknown.
'Julius Caesar Refusing The Crown Offered By Antony', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'William III. At the Battle of the Boyne', (1690), 1890. Creator: Unknown.
'The Last Banquet of Alboin', (c570AD), 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Egbert, King of England', (771/775- 839), 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'King Alfred', 1890. Creator: Unknown.
'Richard I. of England (Coeur-De-Lion)', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Dante Alighieri', ( c1265 -1321), 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Marie Therese d'Autriche', (1717-1780), c1830. Creator: Francois-Seraphin Delpech.
'Ferdinand Phillippe. Lis. Cles. Hri. Duc d'Orleans - Prince Royal', (1810-1842), c1830. Creator: Francois-Seraphin Delpech.
'Rehoboam Accepting the Advice of the Young Men', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Pericles Delivering the Funeral Oration Over the Athenians', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Alexander at the Temple of Jupiter Ammon', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Henry Dimsdale, Mayor of Garratt', 1821. Creator: Robert Cooper.
Coronation of King William IV: the royal procession, Westminster Abbey, London, 1830 (c1890). Creator: Unknown.
'The Crown, Chiddingfold, Surrey', 1936.   Creator: Unknown.
'The Princesses Margaret & Patricia of Connaught', c1900. Creator: Unknown.
'Their Majesties King George V and Queen Mary in their coronation robes', 1911, (1951). Creator: W&D Downey.
Saint Margaret, early 15th century, (1943). Creator: Unknown.
Sketches of heads, early 15th century, (1943). Creator: Unknown.
Death riding, 1505, (1943). Creator: Albrecht Durer.