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36pages, 2,102 results in yourKeywordsearch for"horseman"Advanced Search
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Winfield Scott Hancock - Equestrian statues in Washington, D.C., between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
George H. Thomas - Equestrian statues in Washington, D.C., between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Winfield Scott Hancock - Equestrian statues in Washington, D.C., between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Casimir Pulaski - Equestrian statues in Washington, D.C., between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Nathanael Greene - Equestrian statues in Washington, D.C., between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Ulysses S. Grant - Equestrian statues in Washington, D.C., between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Ulysses S. Grant Memorial - Equestrian statues in Washington, D.C., between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Ulysses S. Grant Memorial - Equestrian statues in Washington, D.C., between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Winfield Scott - Equestrian statues in Washington, D.C., between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
James B. McPherson - Equestrian statues in Washington, D.C., between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
George B. McClellan - Equestrian statues in Washington, D.C., between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
James B. McPherson - Equestrian statues in Washington, D.C., between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Cuba and Guatemala, between 1899 and 1926. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Cuba and Guatemala, between 1899 and 1926. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Europe, between 1904 and 1938. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Europe, between 1904 and 1938. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Europe, between 1904 and 1938. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Europe, between 1904 and 1938. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Equestrian statues in Washington, D.C., between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Equestrian statues in Washington, D.C., between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Europe, between 1904 and 1938. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Europe, between 1904 and 1938. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Travel views of Europe, between 1904 and 1938. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Ce pauvre Louis XIV n'en croyant pas ses yeux, 1871. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Les Russes encourageant l'agriculture, 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Culver Military Academy - Col. L.R. Gignilliat And Capt. Robert Rossow, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Admiral George Dewey, U.S.N. - Procession On Pennsylvania Avenue, 20 Jan 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Lieut. Colonel Charles W. Fenton, U.S.A., 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Lieut. Colonel Charles W. Fenton, U.S.A., 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Col. Nicolai Golejevski, Military Attache, Russian Embassy - Cavalry Review, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Inaugural Ceremony - Crowds Collecting, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Mounted Police, Mexico City, Mexico, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Dr. Lauro Muller, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil - Envoy from Brazil To Return Visit...,1913 Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Dr. Lauro Muller, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil - Envoy from Brazil To Return Visit...,1913 Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Pacifists, 2 Apr 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Pardo, Felipe. Cruz Funeral. E.E. And M.P. from Peru, 1910. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Polo - Army Polo, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Polo, 1916. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Polo, 1916. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Polo, 1916. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Polo, 1916. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Riding And Hunt Club - Delano, 2nd from Right, 1915. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Riding And Hunt Club - Group, 1915. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Major General Hugh L Scott, U.S.A., Chief of Staff, 1915. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Major General Leonard Wood, U.S. Army, 1913. Creator: Unknown.
'Marquess Wellesley and the Nizam', (1902). Creator: Unknown.
Jeremiah Donovan, Rep. from Connecticut, 1916.  Creator: Harris & Ewing.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, published 1630. Creator: Christoph Maurer.
La Peur (Fear), 1865. Creator: Odilon Redon.
Cavalier Galopant (Galloping Horseman), 1866. Creator: Odilon Redon.
Le Gue (The Ford), 1865. Creator: Odilon Redon.
Et celui qui était monté dessus se nommait la Mort (And his name that sat on him was Death), 1899. Creator: Odilon Redon.
A Turkish Horseman. Creator: Hans Springinklee.
The Two Horsemen. Creator: Herman van Swanevelt.
Inn at the Prima Porta. Creator: Herman van Swanevelt.
The Sacrifice of Marcus Curtius. Creator: Jost Ammon.
Cavalry Going Into Battle, 1813. Creator: James Stuart.
Two Mounted Warriors, n.d. Creator: John Deare.
Sculpture of a Horseman Accompanied by Standing Woman, n.d. Creator: Thomas Stothard.
Sculpture of Horseman Accompanied by Two Standing Figures, with Sketch of One of Latter, n.d. Creator: Thomas Stothard.