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90pages, 5,350 results in yourKeywordsearch for"lake"Advanced Search
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The Martyrdom of Saint Barbara, c. 1480/1490. Creator: Unknown.
The Transfiguration, c. 1475. Creator: Unknown.
Christ Child in the Sacred Heart, 1450/1470. Creator: Unknown.
Madonna between Saints Catherine and Barbara, 1440/1460. Creator: Unknown.
Christ on the Cross, c. 1485. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Bartholomew, 1480/1490. Creator: Unknown.
The Lamentation, c. 1450. Creator: Unknown.
Christ on the Cross, c. 1450/1460. Creator: Unknown.
Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalene, 1460/1470. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Alto, Saint Bridget and the Founders of the Mariamunster, c. 1500. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Sebastian, c. 1490. Creator: Unknown.
The Mass of Saint Gregory, 1470/1480. Creator: Unknown.
Allegory of the Meeting of Pope Paul II and Emperor Frederick III, c. 1470. Creator: Unknown.
Holy Kinship, 1490/1500. Creator: Unknown.
Purgatory, c. 1480. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Peter, 1480/1490. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Augustine, 1480/1490. Creator: Unknown.
The Resurrection of the Dead, c. 1460/1470. Creator: Unknown.
The Descent of the Holy Ghost, 1480/1490. Creator: Unknown.
The Embalming of Christ, c. 1480/1490. Creator: Unknown.
The Crucifixion, c. 1490/1500. Creator: Unknown.
Christ Washing the Feet of the Apostles, c. 1490/1500. Creator: Unknown.
Christ on the Cross between the Two Thieves, c. 1490/1500. Creator: Unknown.
Christ before Pilate, c. 1490/1500. Creator: Unknown.
Caiaphas Tearing his Clothes, probably 1449. Creator: Unknown.
Madonna in a Wreath of Roses, 1490/1500. Creator: Unknown.
Christ as the Man of Sorrows, 1480/1500. Creator: Unknown.
Madonna with the Rosary, 1485. Creator: Unknown.
Adam and Eve, c. 1460. Creator: Unknown.
The Lamentation, c. 1460. Creator: Unknown.
Christ and the Woman of Samaria, c. 1440/1460. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Francis of Assisi, 1450/1470. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Apollonia, c. 1450. Creator: Unknown.
Martyrdom of a Saint, c. 1480. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Valentine, 1470/1480. Creator: Unknown.
Christ before Herod, probably 1425/1450. Creator: Unknown.
The Entombment, 1425/1450. Creator: Unknown.
The Flagellation, 1425/1450. Creator: Unknown.
Christ Carrying the Cross, 1425/1450. Creator: Unknown.
Christ on the Mount of Olives, c. 1425/1450. Creator: Unknown.
The Mass of Saint Gregory, c. 1470. Creator: Unknown.
The Annunciation, c. 1450/1470. Creator: Unknown.
The Last Judgment with the Apostles, c. 1460. Creator: Unknown.
Christ as the Man of Sorrows, 1507. Creator: Unknown.
The Madonna and Child Enthroned, with Saints Corbinian and Sigismund, 1492. Creator: Unknown.
The Marriage of the Virgin, 1480/1490. Creator: Unknown.
The Flagellation in the Presence of Mary, 1465/1475. Creator: Unknown.
Christ on the Cross, c. 1460. Creator: Unknown.
Christ Child in the Sacred Heart, c. 1475/1480. Creator: Unknown.
Madonna and Child in a Rosary, c. 1480. Creator: Unknown.
Christ as the Man of Sorrows, 1430/1440. Creator: Unknown.
Christ on the Cross, in or before 1470. Creator: Unknown.
Genealogical Tree of Christ, c. 1470. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Barbara, 1440/1460. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Bernard with the Madonna and Child, 1480/1500. Creator: Unknown.
Christ and the Woman of Samaria, probably 1485. Creator: Unknown.
Christ on the Mount of Olives, c. 1450/1460. Creator: Unknown.
Saint John the Baptist and Saint Christopher, 1470/1480. Creator: Unknown.
Christ on the Mount of Olives, c. 1450/1460. Creator: Unknown.
The Descent of the Holy Ghost, c. 1450. Creator: Unknown.