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Prince Alfred in Ceylon: landing of His Royal Highness at Colombo, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "'Twixt Axe and Crown," at the Queen's Theatre, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Trial of Prince Pierre Bonaparte at Tours, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Pure Saxon Merino rams, exhibited at Breslau, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
The Duke of Edinburgh at Penang: the Levee at the Court of Requests, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Prince Arthur in Canada, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The new actor-knight: Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree as Malvolio, 1909. Creator: Frank Haviland.
At the Sign of St. Paul's: Francis Bacon, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
"Italian Mother and Child," by W. Sauchon, 1871. Creator: Robert Loudan.
Completion of the Wolf-Rock Lighthouse: putting the keepers on the Rock, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Hon. Artillery Company's Ball given to the Prince and Princess of Wales, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
At the Royal Academy, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Raising the west capstone of Le Trepied Cromlech, Guernsey, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp on the Thames Embankment, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Prominent people who figured in the [King's] Birthday Honours list, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
...The Victoria and Albert Museum: the east central (Tapestry) court..., 1909. Creator: Clarke & Hyde.
...The Victoria and Albert Museum: the Long Gallery on the first floor..., 1909. Creator: Clarke & Hyde.
London's bridges - are they too far apart?, 1909. Creator: Will B. Robinson.
Sketches from Ireland: kitchen where Crawford was fired at, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: Violin, given by Queen Elizabeth..., 1870. Creator: Unknown.
"Amongst the Pets," by J. W. Bottomley, in the Royal Academy exhibition, 1870. Creator: William Hollidge.
Mount Pentelicus, from the height above Marathon, near the haunt of the Greek brigands, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Duke of Edinburgh at Penang: waterfall near Penang, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Ice in the Thames at London Bridge, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Constructing A "Garage" For A "Zeppelin", 1909. Creator: Parks.
Scene from "The Fool's Revenge," at the Queen's Theatre, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
A corner of the cabinet-works: wood-working machinery, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
The Belgian Gardes Civiques at Wimbledon Camp: "The Vin d’Honneur", 1871. Creator: Unknown.
Making aids to beauty: mirror and furniture fitters and polishers, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
"Aerial Voyages", 1870. Creator: C Laplante.
'The Little Corporal" in exile: Napoleon at St. Helena, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
The Central Jewish Synagogue, Great Portland-Street, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Vulturine Guinea-Fowl in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
"Saved From The Flood," by F. W. Topham,...Society of Painters in Water Colours, 1871. Creator: William Hollidge.
Blowing up of the wreck of the Golden Fleece in the Bristol Channel, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Government House Fort and Dalhousie Barracks, Calcutta, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: Spinet, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Prize Cats at the Crystal Palace Cat Show, 1871. Creator: J Greenaway.
The International Yacht-Race: the Cambria weathering the Sappho off Bonchurch, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
King's College School Athletic Sports: finish of the two-mile walking-match, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
"A Brown Study," by W. Hunt, 1870. Creator: Horace Harral.
The rarest ruminant: the Takin, now at the "Zoo", 1909. Creator: Walter Sidney Berridge.
Shrove Tuesday procession of the Fat Ox at the Tuileries, Paris, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales at the Meet of the Burton Hounds, Green Man, Lincoln Heath, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
National Education: deputation to the Prime Minister, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "Uncle Dick's Darling," at the Gaiety Theatre, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Scene of the fatal crush at Liverpool, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches from Ireland: cabin and farmhouse of Crawford, at Killallon, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Bonnie Scotland by the West Coast Route - over the border in 6 hours from Euston, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches from Ireland: interior of a mud cabin at Kildare, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Disturbances in Paris: soldiers at night in the Luxembourg Palace, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Fighting the flames with primitive apparatus: a fire in Peking, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
Burglars in the suburbs of Peking: the thieves caught in the act, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
Deck plan of H.M. Ship Devastation, 1871. Creator: Unknown.
The Disturbances in Paris: bivouac of troops in the gardens and courtyard of the Luxembourg, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches from Ireland: cottagers at Kildare, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
A car that secured a non-stop run throughout the Scottish Reliability Trials..., 1909. Creator: Unknown.
Southalls' Towels, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
Our Ironclad Fleet: H.M.S. Devastation, 1871. Creator: Unknown.
"Good Luck", by C. Baugniet, in the International Exhibition, 1871. Creator: William Hollidge.