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Pax with a Miniature of the Nativity, c. 1480 (pax frame); c. 1850/1875 (miniature). Creator: Unknown.
Sepelire mortuos, 1665/1670. Creator: Sébastien Bourdon.
Liberare Captivos, 1665/1670. Creator: Sébastien Bourdon.
Hospitio exipere advenas, 1665/1670. Creator: Sébastien Bourdon.
Aegros Curare, 1665/1670. Creator: Sébastien Bourdon.
Vestine nudos, 1665/1670. Creator: Sébastien Bourdon.
Potare sitientes, 1665/1670. Creator: Sébastien Bourdon.
Esurientes pascere, 1665/1670. Creator: Sébastien Bourdon.
Cardinal Charles de Bourbon. Creator: Jean de Gourmont I.
Cardinal Giovanni Carlo dei Medici, before 1691. Creator: Adriaen Haelwegh.
François La Rochefoucauld. Creator: Michel Lasne.
François La Rochefoucauld. Creator: Michel Lasne.
François La Rochefoucauld. Creator: Michel Lasne.
Design for a Beaker and a Pax, c. 1480. Creator: Master of St. Sebastian.
Church of Our Lady of Fatima, built 1958-60 to the designs of Gerard Goalen, Harlow, Essex, 2018. Creator: Damian Grady.
Design for Memorial to Pope Gregory XV, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Saint John the Baptist and San Bernardo degli Uberti, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Pope Blessing Two Women in the Presence of Satyr and Assembled Women with Castel Sant Angelo..., n.d Creator: Unknown.
Pope Blessing Nun, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Pope Sylvester Blessing the Emperor Constantine, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Study for the Emperor Constantine Offering the Tiara to Pope Sylvester, n.d. Creator: After Raffaello Sanzio, called Raphael  Italian, 1483-1546.
Saint called to Papal Chair, n.d. Creator: Domenico Mondo.
Bessarion, c. 1560. Creator: Federico Zuccaro.
Pope Pius II, c. 1560. Creator: Federico Zuccaro.
Saint Jerome, c. 1560. Creator: Federico Zuccaro.
Papal Saint, n.d. Creator: Giovanni Antonio Burrini.
Seated Figure with Crown, Holding Sceptre and Book, with Host Below, 1576-1641. Creator: Lazzaro Tavarone.
Communion of Saint Stanislaus Kostka, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Pope Granting Saint Anthony of Padua a Bull of Indulgence, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Bishop at Mass in a Historiated Initial "P" from a Choirbook, c. 1300. Creator: Unknown.
Saints Barbara, Catherine, Andrew, John the Baptist, Lawrence and Thomas à Beckett..., 1460/70. Creator: Unknown.
San Buenaventura, 1935/1942. Creator: Unknown.
Santa Clara de Asis, 1935/1942. Creator: Unknown.
Retablo, 1935/1942. Creator: Unknown.
Unpublished Print for Immaculate Conception, 1935/1942. Creator: Unknown.
Santa Barbara Mission Doorway Design from the portfolio "Decorative Art...", 1935/1942. Creator: Unknown.
Santa Barbara Mission Doorway Design from the portfolio "Decorative Art...", 1935/1942. Creator: Unknown.
Santa Barbara Mission Doorway Design from the portfolio "Decorative Art...", 1935/1942. Creator: Unknown.
Mission San Louis Obispo Altar Tabernacle from the portfolio "Decorative Art...", 1935/1942. Creator: Unknown.
Santa Barbara Mission Doorway Design from the portfolio "Decorative Art...", 1935/1942. Creator: Unknown.
Santa Barbara Mission Doorway Design from the portfolio "Decorative Art...", 1935/1942. Creator: Unknown.
Première communion de Léopoldine à Fourqueux, 1933. Creator: Maurice Denis.
Léopoldine au Livre d'Heures, 1835. Creator: Auguste de Chatillon.
Catéchisme dans une église, mid-late 19th century.  Creator: Auguste Dutuit.
La prière, mid-late 19th century.  Creator: Auguste Dutuit.
Le Cardinal, 1874. Creator: Jean-Paul Laurens.
Louis XV as a child receiving a lesson, in the presence of Cardinal de Fleury and the..., c1715-1725 Creator: Unknown.
Messe basse en hiver (Bretagne), c.1902. Creator: Charles Cottet.
Esquisse pour l'église Sainte-Elisabeth : Les sept Sacrements, 1844. Creator: Paul Jourdy.
Sketch for the Saint-Séverin church, St Clement, 1857. Creator: Pierre-Auguste Pichon.
Portrait de Jean-Louis Gabriel, curé de Saint-Merri, 1862. Creator: Henri Lehmann.
Le lutrin, 1865. Creator: Alphonse Legros.
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Merry : Saint François-Xavier parcourant les rues de Goa..., 1874. Creator: Pierre-Paul-Leon Glaize.
Cardinaux sortant du Vatican par la porte des Suisses, après une audience du Saint-Père, 20/06/1867. Creator: Auguste Dutuit.
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Ambroise : saint Augustin faisant cesser un usage..., c.1872-1875. Creator: Jules Eugene Lenepveu.
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Ambroise : saint Augustin, au concile de Carthage..., c.1873-1875. Creator: Jules Eugene Lenepveu.
Le jugement du pape Formose, c.1870. Creator: Jean-Paul Laurens.
En visite, soeurs quêteuses, c.1902. Creator: Lucien Simon.
Esquisse pour l'église du Saint-Esprit (12e arr.) : La Pentecôte, l'Eglise romaine..., c.1935. Creator: Maurice Denis.
Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois church and rue Chilpéric, around 1830, now Place du Louvre... Creator: Unknown.