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Mz 320. Starry sky, 1921. Creator: Kurt Schwitters.
Merzbild , 1926-1928. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948).
Mz 122 Tropfen rot. (Merzzeichnung), 1920. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948).
Traubern = Zucker, 1931. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948).
Beethovens Sonaten, 1930. Creator: Nusch, (Maria Benz) (1906-1946).
Mz 255 Dromedar, 1921. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948).
With huntress. Merz design, 1929-1930. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948).
Mz 386 Hoepf (Merz design), 1922. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948).
Structure of the World, c. 1925. Creator: Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo (1895-1946).
Merz 221, 1921. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948).
Camel, 1936. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948).
Merz 221, 1921. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948).
Camel, 1936. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948).
Portrait of the poet Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941), 1920.
Tatlin at Work. Illustration for the book Six Tales with Easy Endings, by Ilya Ehrenburg. Artist: Lissitzky, El (1890-1941)
USSR. Catalogue of the Soviet pavilion at the International Press Exhibition, Cologne, 1928. Artist: Lissitzky, El (1890-1941)
USSR. Catalogue of the Soviet pavilion at the International Press Exhibition, Cologne, 1928. Artist: Lissitzky, El (1890-1941)
USSR. Catalogue of the Soviet pavilion at the International Press Exhibition, Cologne, 1928. Artist: Lissitzky, El (1890-1941)
USSR. Catalogue of the Soviet pavilion at the International Press Exhibition, Cologne, 1928. Artist: Lissitzky, El (1890-1941)
USSR. Catalogue of the Soviet pavilion at the International Press Exhibition, Cologne, 1928. Artist: Lissitzky, El (1890-1941)
USSR. Catalogue of the Soviet pavilion at the International Press Exhibition, Cologne, 1928. Artist: Lissitzky, El (1890-1941)
Cover of the of the catalogue of the Soviet Union Pavilion on International Presse Exhibition, Cologne, 1928. Artist: Lissitzky, El (1890-1941)
The Bottle of Anís del Mono (La bouteille d'anis), 1914. Artist: Gris, Juan (1887-1927)
Head, 1913-1914. Artist: Gutfreund, Otto (1889-1927)
Entrance Ticket (Mz 456), 1922. Artist: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948)
Alexander Spiridovich (1873–1952), general and historian, c. 1915.