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 16 results in yourMediumsearch for"Watercolour and tempera on paper"Advanced Search
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A side portal, 1940. Creator: Klee, Paul (1879-1940).
Stage design for the opera "Castore e Polluce" by Francesco Bianchi. Creator: Sanquirico, Alessandro (1777-1849).
Entrance arch with obelisks. Creator: Basoli, Antonio (1774-1843).
The Pacer, 1914.
Die Kapelle (The Chapel) , 1917.
Sketch of the composition Construction of the Palace of Labor, 1918.
Lisbeth Angling.
Lisbeth Reading, 1904.
Bedroom in a Country Dacha. Artist: Anonymous
Siege of Reval by the Russians in 1578. From Johann Jakob Wick's Sammlung von Nachrichten.... Artist: Anonymous
Russian atrocities in Livonia in 1578. From Johann Jakob Wick's Sammlung von Nachrichten.... Artist: Anonymous
Stage design for the opera The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, 1907. Artist: Vasnetsov, Appolinari Mikhaylovich (1856-1933)
Christ on the Cross. Artist: Nesterov, Mikhail Vasilyevich (1862-1942)
The barracks of the Chevalier Guards as seen from the Tauride Garden, 1800s. Artist: Paterssen, Benjamin (1748-1815)
Alexander covers the corpse of Darius with his cloak (Illustration from the Serbian Alexandria), 1680s. Artist: Ancient Russian Art
Portrait of James Butler, 9th Earl of Ormond, ca 1537. Artist: Holbein, Hans, the Younger (1497-1543)