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2pages, 94 results in yourMediumsearch for"Woodcut, watercolour"Advanced Search
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Ceremonial Procession in Bologna on 5 November 1529, on the Occasion of Charles V's Coronation by Po
Ceremonial Procession in Bologna on 5 November 1529, on the Occasion of Charles V's Coronation by Po
The New Islands as New World, 1549.
The women's bath, c. 1500.
The Derenburg witch trial. Popular print , 1555.
Portrait of Louis Philippe I (1773-1850), King of the French, ca 1834.
Portrait of Louis Philippe I (1773-1850), King of the French, ca 1834.
Maria Amalia (1782-1866), Queen of the French, c.1838.
Northern Lights over Nuremberg the 5th of October 1591, 1591.
Interior view of the Gambling House at Wiesbaden in October 7, 1871, 1871.
Durga Twilight, ca 1926.
Sun and Zodiac, 19th century.
View of Venice. From: Peregrinatio in terram sanctam, 1486.
View of Venice. From: Liber chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel, 1493.
Ptolemy World map, 1467.
Riga (From the Cosmographia), ca 1568. Artist: Münster, Sebastian (1488-1552)
Nobili Moderne. From: De gli habiti antichi et moderni, 1598. Artist: Vecellio, Cesare (1521-1601)
Cosmos (from the Schedel's Chronicle of the World), 1493. Artist: Anonymous
A lesson (From Rudimenta grammatices). Artist: Perottus (Perotti), Nicolaus (Niccolò) (1429-1480)
Martin Bucer (1491-1551). Artist: Anonymous
Destruction of the Krögelstein Castle by the Swabian League. Artist: Wandereisen, Hans (active ca 1523)
Asia Secunda Pars Terrae in Forma Pegasi (Asia in the Form of Pegasus). Artist: Bünting, Heinrich (1545-1606)
Heart Shaped World Map. Artist: Fine, Oronce (1494-1555)
The Triumphal Arch of the Emperor Maximilian I. Artist: Altdorfer, Albrecht (c. 1480-1538)
Ptolemy World map. Artist: Germanus, Donnus Nicolaus (ca. 1420-ca. 1490)
Portrait of Eleanor of Austria (1498-1558), 1539. Artist: Coecke van Aelst, Pieter, the Elder (1502-1550)
Portrait of Francis I (1494-1547), King of France, Duke of Brittany, Count of Provence, 1539. Artist: Coecke van Aelst, Pieter, the Elder (1502-1550)
Portrait of Francis I (1494-1547), King of France, Duke of Brittany, Count of Provence, c.1540. Artist: Anthonisz., Cornelis (1499-1553)
Portrait of King Henry II of France on horseback, 1542-1543. Artist: Anthonisz., Cornelis (1499-1553)
Map of Sarmatia (From: Rudimenta Cosmographica), 1542. Artist: Honterus (Honter), Johannes (1498-1549)
De Alchimia opvscvla complvra vetervm philosophorum, 1550. Artist: Jacob, Cyriacus (active 1543-1550)
Livonia Map, Livoniae Nova Descriptio, 1573-1578. Artist: Anonymous master
Rest on the Flight into Egypt, c.1410. Artist: German master
Ichikawa Danjuro V in the Shibaraku role as Kato Shigemitsu, at the Nakamura-za, 1782.  Creator: Shunsho, Katsukawa (1726-1793).