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 43 results in yourMediumsearch for"etching and drypoint in black on laid paper"Advanced Search
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Sunrise?The Pond, Easthampton, Long Island, 1881. Creator: Thomas Moran.
Sunrise?The Pond, Easthampton, Long Island, 1881. Creator: Thomas Moran.
Sentinel Pine, c. 1916. Creator: George Elbert Burr.
L'Approche de l'Orage (The Storm's Approach). Creator: Jules-Ferdinand Jacquemart.
Reflections, 1885/1893. Creator: Julian Alden Weir.
Hurlingham, 1879. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Hurlingham, 1879. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Upright Venice, 1879-1880. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
The Smithy, 1880. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
The Little Pool, 1861. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
The Tiny Pool, 1876/1878. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Rag Pickers, Quartier Mouffetard, Paris, 1858. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Rag Pickers, Quartier Mouffetard, Paris, 1858. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Bibi Lalouette, 1859. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Rotherhithe, 1860. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Free Trade Wharf, 1877. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
The 'Adam and Eve', Old Chelsea, 1878. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
The Little Putney, No. 1, 1879. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Longshoremen, 1859. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Bibi Valentin, 1859. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Reading by Lamplight, 1859. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Drouet, 1859/1879. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
The 'Adam and Eve', Old Chelsea, 1878. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Billingsgate, 1859. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Sunflowers, Rue des Beaux-Arts, 1892/1893. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
The Little Lagoon, 1879/1880. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Rag Pickers, Quartier Mouffetard, Paris, 1858. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Billingsgate, 1859. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Billingsgate, 1859. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Billingsgate, 1859. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Thames Police, 1859. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
The 'Adam and Eve', Old Chelsea, 1878. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Rag Pickers, Quartier Mouffetard, Paris, 1858. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Hurlingham, 1879. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Annie, Seated, 1858/1859. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
The Lime-Burner, 1859. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Annie, Seated, 1858/1859. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
La Vieille aux Loques, 1858. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Bead-Stringers, 1880. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Thames Warehouses, 1859. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Sir Edward John Poynter, 1877. Creator: Alphonse Legros.
Woman at Her Toilette (La toilette), 1905. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
Carmen Standing in the Nude (Carmen nue debout), 1886. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.