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40pages, 2,342 results in yourMediumsearch for"watercolor and graphite on paperboard"Advanced Search
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Shawl Strap, c. 1938. Creator: Grace Halpin.
Waistcoat, c. 1938. Creator: Grace Halpin.
Coverlet, c. 1938. Creator: Katherine Hastings.
Economy Handkerchief, c. 1938. Creator: Katherine Hastings.
Door Knocker, c. 1938. Creator: Regina Henderer.
Man's Gloves, c. 1938. Creator: Melita Hofmann.
Fruit Jar, c. 1938. Creator: J. Howard Iams.
Sailor Jack Whirligig, c. 1938. Creator: Jane Iverson.
Ship's Billethead, c. 1938. Creator: Jane Iverson.
Tie-back, c. 1938. Creator: Harry Jennings.
Tie-back, c. 1938. Creator: Harry Jennings.
Tie-back, c. 1938. Creator: Harry Jennings.
Tie-back, c. 1938. Creator: Harry Jennings.
Tie-back, c. 1938. Creator: Harry Jennings.
Table, c. 1938. Creator: John W Kelleher.
Goat, c. 1938. Creator: John W Kelleher.
Shaker Chest of Drawers, c. 1938. Creator: John W Kelleher.
Cap Basket, c. 1938. Creator: Samuel O. Klein.
Mirror Stand: Detail of Saucer, c. 1938. Creator: Samuel O. Klein.
Plate, c. 1938. Creator:  John Koehl.
Spouted Oil Can, c. 1938. Creator: Lloyd Charles Lemcke.
Pa. German Butter Mold, c. 1938. Creator: Albert J. Levone.
Pa. German Butter Mold, c. 1938. Creator: Albert J. Levone.
Pa. German Butter Mold, c. 1938. Creator: Albert J. Levone.
Printed Cotton, c. 1938. Creator: Albert J. Levone.
Pa. German Butter Mold, c. 1938. Creator: Albert J. Levone.
Patch Box of Kentucky Rifle, c. 1938. Creator: Albert J. Levone.
Pa. German Table, c. 1938. Creator: Frances Lichten.
Crock, c. 1938. Creator: George Loughridge.
Stoneware Crock, c. 1938. Creator: George Loughridge.
Jar, c. 1938. Creator: George Loughridge.
Pitcher, c. 1938. Creator: George Loughridge.
Crock, c. 1938. Creator: George Loughridge.
Candy Ladle, c. 1938. Creator: William Ludwig.
Wool Cushion Top, c. 1938. Creator: Frank J Mace.
Fire Dogs or Andirons, c. 1938. Creator: Frank J Mace.
Visiting Gown, c. 1938. Creator: Hans Mangelsdorf.
Lamp, c. 1938. Creator: Hans Mangelsdorf.
Oxen Yoke, c. 1938. Creator: Hans Mangelsdorf.
Carved Casing, c. 1938. Creator: Hans Mangelsdorf.
Man's Sack Coat, c. 1938. Creator: Edith Miller.
Pitcher, c. 1938. Creator: Marie Mitchell.
Jar, c. 1939. Creator: Nicholas Amantea.
Crock, c. 1939. Creator: Nicholas Amantea.
Water or Cider Jug, c. 1939. Creator: Nicholas Amantea.
Sled, c. 1939. Creator: Harriette Gale.
Small Carved Bellamy Eagle, c. 1939. Creator: Harriette Gale.
Stern Piece, c. 1939. Creator: Harriette Gale.
Ladle, c. 1939. Creator: Charles Garjian.
Wrench for Tightening Rope Bed, c. 1939. Creator: Albert Geuppert.
Crewel Embroidery, c. 1939. Creator: Helen E. Gilman.
Swatches from Patchwork Quilt, c. 1939. Creator: Henry Granet.
Glass Bottle, c. 1939. Creator: LeRoy Griffith.
Grain Scoop, c. 1939. Creator: LeRoy Griffith.
Toy Iron, c. 1939. Creator: LeRoy Griffith.
Camphene Lamp, c. 1939. Creator: LeRoy Griffith.
Hatchel (Flax Comb), c. 1939. Creator: LeRoy Griffith.
Butter Mold, c. 1939. Creator: John Hall.
Infant's Cap, c. 1939. Creator: Grace Halpin.
Shop Sign: Man's Shoe, c. 1939. Creator: Dorothy Handy.