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Javan quail, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Crane, 1784. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Cape Mole, 1786-1787. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Elephant stable, 1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
House in the port of Falmouth, 1778. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Butterflies from Java, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Butterflies from Java, 1784. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Falmouth quay, 1778. Creator: Jan Brandes.
East Indiaman at anchor, 1785.  Creator: Jan Brandes.
Brandes' house and estate outside Batavia, 1785.  Creator: Jan Brandes.
West Indiaman, 1779-1787. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Wild elephant bound between trees, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Minjawa or iguana, 1784. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Grasshopper, 1784. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Four women at a table during a trip to Falmouth, 1778. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Still life with fruit, knife and pencil., 1779-1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Methods for making Sirih, 1783. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Javanese Ronggeng dancers, 1779-1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
View of Gelderland at Doetinchem, 1770-1778. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Javanese flower 'Cambang Matjang', 1784. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Journey from Falmouth to Truro, 1778.  Creator: Jan Brandes.
Javanese butterflies, 1784-1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Javanese butterflies, 1784. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Bedroom with son Jantje and Bietja, an enslaved girl, 1784. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Javanese auxiliary troops of the Company, 1779-1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Bird's eye view of elephant corral, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Inn or hunting lodge on the Montferberg, 1770-1778.  Creator: Jan Brandes.
Mangosteen, 1784. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Living room with son Jantje and Flora, an enslaved woman, near a spinning wheel, 1784. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Terrace with son Jantje and Bietja, an enslaved girl, 1784. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Coastal profiles of the Canary Islands, and Fish, 1778.  Creator: Jan Brandes.
Javanese Pantomime called 'Toping', 1779-1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Indonesian parakeets, 1784. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Rice bird and Javanese quail, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Pigs without hind legs at a trough, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Pigs without hind legs, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Tea party in a European house in Batavia, 1779-1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Ants and rice, 1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Dhoni, fishing boats in the Bay of Galle, 1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Punishment of the slanderer, 1777.  Creator: Jan Brandes.
The village of Wehl in Cleefland, 1775. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Adam and Eve in a utopian village scene, 1779-1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Idyllic scene, 1779-1785.  Creator: Jan Brandes.
Khoikhoi and Settlers on Cape Plain, 1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Portrait of Per Johan Wimermark, 1796.  Creator: Jan Brandes.
Sinhalese soldiers in the service of the VOC and envoys of the King of Kandy, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Self-portrait of Jan Brandes, 1789.  Creator: Jan Brandes.
Council representatives in Colombo, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
VOC Delegation at An Audience With The King of Kandy, Sri Rajadi Raja Sinha, 1785-1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Papaya tree, litigants come to see the Dessave, and a 'hennikap' or free servant in Colombo, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Knights with the family arms of Brandes and Hirschman, 1770-1808. Creator: Jan Brandes.
The town of Schoonhoven on the River Rhine in Holland, 1787. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Table Mountain and Cape Town seen from the sea, 1787. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Strand Street in Cape Town, 1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
The village of Over-Diemen near Amsterdam on the Zuiderzee, view from land, 1764-1771. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Taming an elephant, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Sketch of a knight on horseback, c.1755-c.1760. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Family tree of the Brandes family, c.1760-c.1790. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Family tree of Henrich Brandes, c.1760-c.1790. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Deck view from a VOC ship to the big mast, 1778-1787. Creator: Jan Brandes.