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Leaf from New Kreuterbuch by Leonhart Fuchs, plate 97 from Woodcuts from Books...1937. Creators: Heinrich Füllmaurer, Max Geisberg.
Page CCCL from Vom Bergwerck XII Bücher by Agricola, plate 43 from Woodcuts...1937. Creators: Hans Rudolf Manuel Deutsch, Max Geisberg, Georgius Agricola.
Medallion Portraits of Henry and Margaret of Navarre (recto) and Portraits of...1937. Creators: Hans Rudolf Manuel Deutsch, Max Geisberg.
View of Cologne (recto) Man Hanged from a Tree (verso), Two leafs DCCXXI-DCCXXIIII...1937. Creators: Hans Rudolf Manuel Deutsch, Max Geisberg.
Birth and Baptism Certificate, 1814. Creator: Heinrich Ebner.
Illustration from Virgilius Opera, plate fourteen from Woodcuts..., 1502, assembled... 1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration from Romische Historien, plate fifteen from Woodcuts..., 1507, assembled...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration from Das Leben der Heiligen, plate sixteen from Woodcuts..., 1513, assembled...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration from Von dem nutz der ding, plate seventeen from Woodcuts..., 1518, assembled...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration from Das Buch der Evangelien, plate eighteen from Woodcuts...assembled... 1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration from the 14th German Bible, plate 21 from Woodcuts..., 1518, assembled...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration from Romische Historien by Titus Livius, plate 30 from Woodcuts...1505, assembled 1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration from Hortulus animae, plate 31 from Woodcuts..., 1514, assembled...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration from Das Heldenbuch, plate 33 from Woodcuts..., 1560, assembled...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration from "Fabulae Aesopi", plate 34 from Woodcuts..., 1501, assembled...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration from Margarita philosophica, plate 35 from Woodcuts...1517, assembled... 1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration from "Geographia", plate 36 from Woodcuts from Books..., 1525, assembled...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration from Coronijke van Hollandt, plate 58 from Woodcuts..., 1530, assembled...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration from Coronijke van Flaendren, plate 59 from Woodcuts..., 1531, assembled...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration from Decadas, plate 79 from Woodcuts from Books..., 1520, assembled...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Page from the Canticum Canticorum (The Song of Solomon), ca. 1469-70. Creator: Unknown.
Leaf from Decachordum Christianum by Marco Vigerio, plate 81 from Woodcuts from...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg, Marco Vigerio della Rovere.
Quomodo debeamus uti liberalitate ad captandam multitudinis beniuolentiam (How We...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg, Marcus Tullius Cicero.
Illustration from Sextus decretalium liber by Bonifce VIII, plate 84 from Woodcuts from...1937. Creators: Unknown, Pope Boniface VIII, Max Geisberg.
Illustration to Life of Dion from La Seconda Parte delle Vite di Plutarcho di greco in latino...1937 Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Juno in Hades from P. Ouidij Nasonis poete ingeniosissimi Metamorphoseos Libri, plate...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Illustration to Comedia di Danthe Alighieri, Purgatory, Canto XXIII, plate 88 from...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg, Dante Alighieri.
Flight into Egypt from Rosario della V. Maria by Castellanus, plate 89 from Woodcuts...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Leaf from Opera by Virgilius (after the Strasbourg Virgil, 1502), plate 90 from Woodcuts...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Leaf from Pontificale Romanum, plate 91 from Woodcuts from Books of the XVI Century...1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg.
Leaf from Discorsi by Petrus Andreas Matthiolus, plate 99 from Woodcuts from Books of..., 1937. Creators: Unknown, Max Geisberg, Pietro Andrea Mattioli.
The Smell of Death, 1915. Creator: Edvard Munch.
Hercules Strangling the Nemean Lion, from the Labors of Hercules, c. 1528. Creator: Gabriel Salmon.
Hercules Killing the Lernean Hydra, from Scenes from the Life of Hercules, c. 1528. Creator: Gabriel Salmon.
The Labors of Hercules: Hercules Subduing the Erymanthian Boar, c. 1528. Creator: Gabriel Salmon.
The Labors of Hercules: Hercules Capture of the Cretan Bull, c. 1528. Creator: Gabriel Salmon.
The Labors of Hercules: Capture of the Oxen of the Geryones in Erythia, c. 1528. Creator: Gabriel Salmon.
The Labors of Hercules: The Pillars of Hercules, c. 1528. Creator: Gabriel Salmon.
The Labors of Hercules: Bringing Cerberus from the Lower World, c. 1528. Creator: Gabriel Salmon.
The Labors of Hercules: Hercules and Antaeus, c. 1528. Creator: Gabriel Salmon.
The Labors of Hercules: Hercules and Cacus, c. 1528. Creator: Gabriel Salmon.
Hercules and the Giants, from Scenes from the Life of Hercules, c. 1528. Creator: Gabriel Salmon.
The Labors of Hercules: Hercules on the Pyre, c. 1528. Creator: Gabriel Salmon.
Untitled, n.d. Creator: Unknown.