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Plate 19: Vulcan standing in a niche swinging a hammer, with an anvil, hammer, and tongs a..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.
Plate 7: Pluto in a niche, holding a bident, with Cerberus next to him, from a series of m..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.
Plate 8: Prosperpina, standing in a niche, turning to the right while holding mantle in bo..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.
Plate 9: Mars in a niche, holding a sword above his head with his right arm, and a shield ..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.
Plate 1: Saturn in a niche devouring his son, standing before a scythe, from a series of m..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.
Plate 2: Ops standing in a niche with her hands at her breasts, looking to her left, with ..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.
Plate 3: Jupiter emerging from a niche, riding an eagle and holding a thunderbolt in his l..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.
Plate 4: Juno standing in a niche, viewed from behind, stroking a peacock to her right, fr..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.
Plate 5: Neptune standing in a niche holding a trident, with a hippocampus (sea-horse) beh..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.
Plate 6: Thetis standing in a niche with a shell and sea creature, pouring water out of a ..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.
Plate 17: Bacchus standing in a niche, holding grapes over a plate, accompanied by an infa..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.
Plate 15: Hercules standing in a niche, wearing a lion skin and holding a club, viewed fro..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.
Plate 16: Hebe in a niche with her hands in the air, running to the left while looking to ..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.
Plate 7: Pluto in a niche, holding a bident, with Cerberus next to him, from a series of m..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.
Plate 1: Saturn in a niche devouring his son, standing before a scythe, from a series of m..., 1526. Creator: Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio.