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 10 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Andrea del Sarto"Advanced Search
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The Wife of Domenico da Gambassi, 1525/28. Creator: Andrea del Sarto.
Domenico da Gambassi, 1525/28. Creator: Andrea del Sarto.
Charity, before 1530. Creator: Andrea del Sarto.
The Holy Family with the Young Saint John the Baptist, ca. 1528. Creator: Andrea del Sarto.
Portrait of a Man, 1528-30. Creator: Andrea del Sarto.
'Madonna of the Harpies', 1517. Artist: Andrea del Sarto.
Portrait of a Young Man, c1517, (1911). Artist: Andrea del Sarto
'Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine, Elisabeth and John the Baptist', 1510s.  Artist: Andrea del Sarto
'Madonna of the Harpies', 1517. Artist: Andrea del Sarto
'St John the Baptist', c1506-1530. Artist: Andrea del Sarto