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 11 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Antonio Canova"Advanced Search
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Napoleon I as First Consul of the French Republic, 1800. Creator: Antonio Canova.
Hercules and Lychas, Modelled in 1796; this cast c.1825-1850. Creator: Antonio Canova.
Head of Medusa, c. 1801. Creator: Antonio Canova.
Bust of Paris, 1809. Creator: Antonio Canova.
Naiad, model 1815/1817, carved 1820/1823. Creator: Antonio Canova.
Dancer with Finger on Chin, model 1809/1814, carved 1819/1823. Creator: Antonio Canova.
Winged Victory, c. 1803/1806. Creator: Antonio Canova.
Three Graces, 1840s. Creators: William Henry Fox Talbot, Antonio Canova.
Ideal Head, 1816. Artist: Antonio Canova.
Bust of Napoleon Bonaparte, early 19th century. Artist: Antonio Canova.
'Theseus and the Centaur', 1804-1819. Artist: Antonio Canova