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 13 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Benjamin Robert Haydon"Advanced Search
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Study of a Right Hand [recto]. Creator: Benjamin Robert Haydon.
Study of a Hand [recto]. Creator: Benjamin Robert Haydon.
Study of a Foot [verso]. Creator: Benjamin Robert Haydon.
Study of the Statue of Diana in the Vatican [verso]. Creator: Benjamin Robert Haydon.
Xenophon and the Greeks Sighting the Sea [verso]. Creator: Benjamin Robert Haydon.
Xenophon and the Greeks Sighting the Sea [recto]. Creator: Benjamin Robert Haydon.
Head of Nero in the British Museum, n.d. Creator: Benjamin Robert Haydon.
Lord Gray, n.d. Creator: Benjamin Robert Haydon.
Sketch of Horse with Notations, n.d. Creator: Benjamin Robert Haydon.
Sketch of Horse and Rider, n.d. Creator: Benjamin Robert Haydon.
Sketches Related to Painting of Marcus Curtis, n.d. Creator: Benjamin Robert Haydon.
Meeting of the Birmingham Political Union, 1832-33.  Creator: Benjamin Robert Haydon.
'Punch or May Day', 1829, (c1915). Artist: Benjamin Robert Haydon.