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 12 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Benoist"Advanced Search
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Exterior of the Palace of Industry, Exposition Universelle, Paris (1855), 1900.Artist: Benoist
'The Age of the Reformation', (1872), 1900.Artist: Benoist
Archibald Campbell, Earl and Marquis of Argyll, 17th century Scottish statesman.Artist: Benoist
Henry III, King of England.Artist: Benoist
Queen Mary I of England.Artist: Benoist
Frederick III, King of Prussia, (19th century).Artist: Benoist
Caernarfon Castle, Gwynedd, Wales, 19th century.Artist: Benoist
The ruins of Palmyra, Syria, 19th century. Artist: Benoist
Henry Frederick Stuart, Prince of Wales, (1594-1612).Artist: Benoist
Thomas Wolsey (c1475-1530), English statesman.Artist: Benoist
William the Conqueror.Artist: Benoist
Henry III of England.Artist: Benoist