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'Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria', c1872. Creator: George J Stodart.
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, English statesman and literary figure, 1881.Artist: George J Stodart
Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns, British statesman, 1881.Artist: George J Stodart
Michael Edward Hicks Beach, 1st Earl St Aldwyn, English statesman, 1881.Artist: George J Stodart
William Ewart Gladstone, British Liberal Party statesman and Prime Minister, 1893.Artist: George J Stodart
Garnet Joseph Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley, British Field Marshal, 1893.Artist: George J Stodart
Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, 19th century.Artist: George J Stodart
David Leslie, Lord Newark, cavalry officer and general in the English Civil War, 19th century. Artist: George J Stodart
Cardinal David Beaton, (c1494-1546), Scottish cardinal and Archbishop of St AndrewsArtist: George J Stodart
Osman Nuri Pasha, field marshal of the Ottoman Empire, 19th century. Artist: George J Stodart
Abd-ul-Hamid II, last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, 19th century.Artist: George J Stodart
Augustus Charles Hobart-Hampden, (1822-1886), English naval captain Artist: George J Stodart
Prince Gorchakov, Russian diplomat, 19th century. Artist: George J Stodart
James III, 19th century. Artist: George J Stodart
Ahmed Mukhtar Pasha, French and Ottoman Empire army officer, 19th century.Artist: George J Stodart
Iosif Vladimirovich Gurko, Russian Field Marshal, 19th century. Artist: George J Stodart
Suleiman Pasha, 19th century. Artist: George J Stodart