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 13 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"HC Seppings Wright"Advanced Search
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''Sur le Front Oriental; Tranchees russes dans les montagnes de Galicie', 1915. Creator: HC Seppings Wright.
'Stormberg Pass - The Scene of General Gatacre's Operations', 1900. Creator: HC Seppings Wright.
'Colonel Pilcher's Attack on Sunnyside Kopje', 1900.  Creator: HC Seppings Wright.
'Cronje's Stronghold on the Modder River', 1900. Creator: HC Seppings Wright.
'The Débâcle: On the Track on a Fleeing Command', 1901. Creator: HC Seppings Wright.
'The Crimean War, 1854-56, The Bombardment of Sveaborg by the Baltic Fleet', (1901). Creator: Stuff.
'The Rebellion of Arabi Pasha in Egypt, 1882: The Bombardment of Alexandria...', (1901). Creator: Stuff.
'The Crimean War: The Bombardment of Odessa by the British Fleet, April 21, 1854', (1901).  Creator: Stuff.
'Sammy', 1892. Creator: Stuff.
Russian trenches in the mountains of Galicia, World War I, 1915, (1929).Artist: Stuff
Russian soldiers in winter uniform, Galician front, Poland, World War I, December 1914.Artist: Stuff
Russians bringing up guns and ammunition for the assault at Erzrum, 1916, (c1920). Artist: Stuff
'Hoxton Division', 1899. Artist: Stuff