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 6 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Jacob Louys"Advanced Search
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Elisabeth of Bourbon, Queen of Spain, plate 13 from Duces Burgundiae (Dukes of Burgundy), 1644. Creator: Jacob Louys.
Philip IV, King of Spain, plate 12 from Duces Burgundiae (Dukes of Burgundy), 1644. Creator: Jacob Louys.
Portrait of Philip IV, King of Spain, ca. 1615-57. Creators: Jacob Louys, Pieter Soutman.
Portrait of Louis XIII, King of France, ca. 1650. Creators: Jacob Louys, Pieter Soutman.
Portrait of Anne of Austria, Queen of France, ca. 1650. Creators: Jacob Louys, Pieter Soutman.
Interior of a Barn with Mother and Two Children, Right in Front a Pig (copy), 17th century. Creator: Jacob Louys.