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 8 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Johan Horner"Advanced Search
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Danish officer of the Royal Guards of the Horse, (c1750s). Creator: Johan Horner.
Female portrait, (c1750s). Creator: Johan Horner.
Portrait of State Counsellor Johan Henrik Kirchhoff, 1726-1763. Creator: Johan Horner.
Still Life with Apples on an 'East Indian' Plate, 1726-1763. Creator: Johan Horner.
Apples and Peaches on a Table, 1726-1763. Creator: Johan Horner.
Interior med en regnskabsforer og nogle skrivere ved stearinlys, 1750-1755. Creator: Johan Horner.
Portrait of Carl Christian Laurentius Birch, 1754-1757. Creator: Johan Horner.
Lady's portrait, 1751. Creator: Johan Horner.