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 10 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"John Plumbe"Advanced Search
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United States Patent Office, Washington, D.C., ca. 1846. Creator: John Plumbe.
President's house (i.e. White House), Washington, D.C., ca. 1846. Creator: John Plumbe.
General Post Office from the corner of 8th Street and E Street, NW, Washington, D.C., ca. 1846. Creator: John Plumbe.
Untitled (Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy), 1847. Creator: John Plumbe.
Untitled (Portrait of a Seated Woman), 1845. Creator: John Plumbe.
Untitled (Portrait of a Seated Woman), 1847. Creator: John Plumbe.
Our Pastor's Circle, c. 1855. Creator: John Plumbe.
Man with Chinstrap Beard, 1840s. Creator: John Plumbe.
Elderly Man Holding Ivory-topped Walking Stick, 1840s. Creator: John Plumbe.
Elizabeth Page Bakewell and her Grandson, Frank B. James, ca. 1846. Creator: John Plumbe.