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'St. Augustine's Gate, (Canterbury) Kent', 1802.  Creator: Samuel Rawle.
Funeral car of Admiral Lord Nelson, 1806. Artist: Samuel Rawle.
'Salisbury, from the London Road', 1805. Artist: Samuel Rawle.
'In Greenwich Park on Whit Monday', c1802, (1912).  Artist: Samuel Rawle.
Leicester Square, Westminster, London, c1805. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey, City of London, 1803. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Westminster Abbey from the opposite side of River Thames, London, c1800. Artist: Samuel Rawle
York House and Green Park, Westminster, London, c1800. Artist: Samuel Rawle
The Cock and Magpie Public House, Drury Lane, Westminster, London, 1807. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Westminster Abbey, London, 1804. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Tavistock Chapel, Tavistock Place, St Pancras, London, 1807. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Ward's House, Hackney, London, 1805.Artist: Samuel Rawle
The equestrian statue of King William III in St James's Square, London, 1808.                        Artist: Samuel Rawle
Entrance to Coade and Sealey's Gallery of Coade stone sculpture, Lambeth, London, 1802. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Amicable Society for a Perpetual Assurance Office, Serjeants' Inn, Fleet Street, London, 1801.       Artist: Samuel Rawle
Monument in the churchyard of St Giles in the Fields, Holborn, London, 1817. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Church of St Vedast Foster Lane, City of London, 1814.                                           Artist: Samuel Rawle
Shop front of Brown and Crow, sacking manufacturers, 32 Mark Lane, City of London, 1800. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, Holborn, London, 1811.       Artist: Samuel Rawle
St Paul's Cathedral, City of London, 1822. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Middle Temple Hall, Middle Temple, City of London, 1798. Artist: Samuel Rawle
'Undertakers regaling themselves at Death's Door', Battersea, London, 1801.                          Artist: Samuel Rawle
View of the City of London Tavern from Bishopsgate, City of London, 1809. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Monument to Captains James Mosse and Edward Riou, St Paul's Cathedral, City of London, 1806. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Monument to Charles, Marquis Cornwallis, St Paul's Cathedral, City of London, 1805. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Water pump in Cornhill, City of London, 1800. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Church of St Helen, Bishopsgate, City of London, 1808. Artist: Samuel Rawle
View of Lothbury Court, the Bank of England. City of London, 1803. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Guy's Hospital, Southwark, London, 1803. Artist: Samuel Rawle
St Paul's School, London, 1807. Artist: Samuel Rawle
No 32 Cornhill, London, c1800. Artist: Samuel Rawle
Union Assurance office, Cornhill, London, c1800. Artist: Samuel Rawle