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 18 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Sebastien Le Clerc"Advanced Search
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Defeat of the Spanish Army Near the Canal at Bruges by the Troops of King Louis XIV 1667, 1680. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Siege of Tourney MDCLXVII, 1681. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Renewal of the Alliance Between the French and the Swiss in 1663, 1682. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
The Siege of Douai of 1667, 1682. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Le Dauphin et le singe, 1677. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
L'Entrée du Labyrinthe, 1679. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Landscape with an Army, 1673. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Frontispiece, 1673. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Landscape with Temple Ruins and Pond, 1673. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Landscape with Classical Ruins, 1673. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Landscape with Church and Town in Distance, 1673. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Landscape with Monastery, 1673. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Landscape with Houses, 1673. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Landscape with Chateau, 1673. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Landscape with City in Distance, 1673. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Mountain Landscape, 1673. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Landscape with Classical Ruins, 1673. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.
Antique Relief of Chariot Race, n.d. Creator: Sebastien Le Clerc.