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Parable of the Pharisees and the Tax-Collector, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ and the Woman Issuing Blood, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ Deploring Jerusalem, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
The Parable of the Rich Man and the Housekeeper, 2, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
St. John the Baptist Preaching, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
The Wedding at Cana, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
St. John in Prison, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
The Virgin as Mater Dolorosa and Simeon, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
The Entry into Jerusalem, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ Healing the Deaf-Mute, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ Healing the Leper, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ Calming the Storm on Lake Tiberias, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
The Parable of the Sower, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
The Parable of the Sower and the Weeds, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ Healing the Blind, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ and the Woman of Canaan, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ Healing the Possessed, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ and the Pharisees, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
The Second Draught of Fishes by Saint Peter, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
The Incredulity of Thomas, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ Teaching the Disciples, 1, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ Teaching the Disciples, 1, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ Talking about his Return to the Father, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
The Rich Man in Hell and the Poor Lazarus in Abraham's Lap, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ as Good Shepherd, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ Warning the Disciples of False Prophets, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ and the Pharisees, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.
Christ Talking to the Disciples, 5, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schäufelein the Elder.