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''The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday, October 17, 1891', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
''The Parnell Commission at the Royal Courts of Justice; the salute before the duel, Sir Richard Web Creator: Unknown.
''The Parnell Commission at the Royal Courts of Justice; Mr. Biggar appears for himself', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Parnell Commission at the Royal Courts of Justice; The opening speech by the Attorney-General( Creator: Unknown.
''The Parnell Commission at the Royal Courts of Justice; Captain O'Shea in the Witness Box', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Parnell Commission at the Royal Courts of Justice; Cross-Examination of Captain O'Shea by Sir  Creator: Unknown.
''The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday November 17. 1888', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
'The Grave of Charles Stewart Parnell, Irelands greatest leader, Dublin', 1896.  Creator: Works and Sun Sculpture Studios.
'The Parnell Inquiry Commission, March 1889', (1901).  Creator: Unknown.
'The Land-Grabber Parade', 1889. Artist: Unknown
'Justice to Ireland', 1880. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Urbi et Orbi', 1889. Artist: Unknown
Constabulary guarding a government reporter at a 'plan of campaign' meeting, Ireland, 1887. Artist: Unknown