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Sniggling for Eels - drawn by Duncan, 1850. Creator: Mason Jackson.
On the "Sow," Near Walton's House at Shallowford, 1880s. Creator: Peter Henry Emerson.
Walton and Cotton's Fishing House (The Doorway), 1880s. Creator: Peter Henry Emerson.
Walton and Cotton's Fishing House, Beresford Dale, 1880s. Creator: Peter Henry Emerson.
[Plate from Izaak Walton's The Compleat Angler], 1880s, printed 1888., 1880s, printed 1888. Creator: George Bankart.
[Plate from Izaak Walton's The Compleat Angler], 1880s, printed 1888., 1880s, printed 1888. Creator: George Bankart.
[Plate from Izaak Walton's The Compleat Angler], 1880s, printed 1888., 1880s, printed 1888. Creator: George Bankart.
Izaak Walton's House at Shallowford, Staffordshire, 1880s, printed 1888., 1880s, printed 1888. Creator: George Bankart.
'St. Dunstan's Fleet Street, Izaak Walton's Parish Church', c1935. Creator: Unknown.
The First Revival of the Chap-Book Style', 1885, (1946). Artist: Joseph Crawhall.
The First Revival of the Chap-Book Style', 1885, (1946). Artist: Joseph Crawhall.
'The Compleat Angler or the Contemplative Man's Recreation', c1653. Artist: Unknown.
Chancery Lane, London, 1814. Artist: Thomas Hearne
Fleet Street, London, 1822. Artist: John Thomas Smith