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The Studio of Jacques-Louis David, 1814. Creator: Leon Mathieu Cochereau.
Portrait of an Elderly Lady, c1820. Creator: Unknown.
Perseus and the Gorgon's Head, c. 1770. Creator: Unknown.
Seated Male Nude, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Marat assassiné, c1794. Creator: Unknown.
Inscription [reverse], 1819. Creator: Auguste François Michaut.
Portrait of a Young Woman in White, c. 1798. Creator: Anon.
Contemporary Artists, ca. 1847. Creator: Célestin Nanteuil.
View of the Salon of 1785. Creator: Pietro Antonio Martini.
The Public Viewing David’s "Coronation" at the Louvre, 1810. Creator: Louis Leopold Boilly.
'The Workshop of David', 1814. Creator: Leon Mathieu Cochereau.