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 48 results in yourPeople - Relatedsearch for"Michel de Marolles"Advanced Search
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Narcissus in love with his own reflection, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'The Nymph Salmacis and Hermaphroditus', 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'Arethusa Pursued by Alpheus and Turned into a Fountain', 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Apollo and Diana kill Niobe's Children with their arrows: she is turned to stone, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Perseus cuts off Medusa's head, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Perseus delivers Andromeda from the sea monster, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Orpheus, leading Eurydice out of Hell, looks back upon her and loses her forever, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Scene of Hell, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
The Moon and Endymion, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
The Danaides condemned to fill bored vessels with water, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Frontispiece of "Tableaux du Temple des Muses", 1655.  Creator: Unknown.
Pandora's Box, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Io changed into a cow: Mercury cuts off Argus' head, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Clytie transformed into a sunflower, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Meleager, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Tithonus, Eos's lover, turned into a grasshopper, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Pygmalion is enamoured with a statue he has made, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Oeneus, King of Calydon, having neglected Diana in a sacrifice is punished for his impiety, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Memnon's statue, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Mr Favereau, 1655.  Creator: Unknown.
Atlas Supports the Heavens on his Shoulders, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Bellerophon fights the Chimera, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Phineus is delivered from the Harpies by Calais and Zethes, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Amphion builds the walls of Thebes by the music of his violin, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Arion saved by a dolphin, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Alcyone and Ceyx transformed into birds, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
The Fall of Icarus, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Leander Swims Over the Hellespont to Meet his Mistress Hero, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
The nymph Echo changed into sound, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
The Palladium, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Ixion in Tartarus on the wheel, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
The House of Sleep, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
The giants attempt to scale Heaven by piling mountains upon one another, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
The Chaos, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Cygnus transformed into a swan and Phaeton's sisters into poplars, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Enceladus buried underneath Mount Etna, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Phaeton struck down by Jupiter's thunderbolt, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Pan pursues Syrinx who is transformed into a reed, 1665. Creator: Unknown.
Semele is consumed by Jupiter's fire, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Actaeon turned into a stag and devoured by his hounds, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Achelous in the shape of a bull is vanquished by Hercules, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Iphis hangs himself in despair that he could not gain Anaxarete, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'Jason and the Argonauts', 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'The Argonauts Pass the Symplegades', 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'Hercules and the Hydra', 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'Aristeus Compels Proteus to Reveal his Oracles', 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'The Death of Hercules', 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'Castor and Pollux', 1655. Creator: Unknown.