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'The Dead Brothers', 1880. Artist: Flaxman.
'Electra and Orestes', 1880. Artist: Antique.
'Iphigenia and Orestes', 1880. Artist: Antique.
'The Chariot of Zeus', 1880. Artist: Antique.
'Pelias Sending Forth Jason', 1880. Artist: Antique.
'The Burning Wool', 1880. Artist: Lachmann.
'The Fire-Breathing Bulls', 1880. Artist: Picart.
'Hercules on Mount Oeta', 1880. Artist: Picart.
'Oedipus and the Sphinx', 1880. Artist: Antique.
'Antigone and the Body of Polynices', 1880. Artist: Lachmann.
''The Oath of the Seven Chiefs', 1880.  Artist: Flaxman.
'The Repentance of Neoptolemus', 1880. Artist: Lachmann.
The Empty Joy That Dwells In the Dreams of the Night, 1880. Artist: Flaxman.
'The Return of Agamemnon', 1880. Artist: Flaxman.
'The Murder of Agamemnon', 1880. Artist: Flaxman.
'Orestes at the Tomb of his Father', 1880. Artist: Flaxman.
 'Chariot Race', 1880.  Artist: Antique.
'The Birthday Gifts of Phoebus', 1880. Artist: Flaxman.
'Orestes Suppliant to Apollo', 1880. Artist: Flaxman.
'The Furies Departing', 1880. Artist: Flaxman.
'Orestes Pursued by Furies', 1880.  Artist: Antique.
'Offering to the Dead', 1880. Artist: Antique.
'Atossa's Dream', 1880. Artist: Flaxman.
'The Horses of the Morning', 1880. Artist: Flaxman.
Albert Einstein, German-Swiss-American mathematician and physicist.  Artist: Unknown.
Charles Andre Joseph Marie De Gaulle, 1940. Artist: Unknown.
Charles Dickens, 19th century English novelist. Artist: Unknown.
Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, British soldier, c1920.  Artist: HW Barnett.
Edith Cavell with her pet dogs, c1915. Artist: Unknown.
Edward VII (then Prince of Wales), 1876. Artist: Unknown.
Edward VIII giving his abdication broadcast to the nation and the Empire, 11th December 1936.   Artist: Unknown.
King George V broadcasting to the empire on Christmas Day, Sandringham, 1935. Artist: Unknown.