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Plate 17: Aeneas welcomed by King Euandrus in Italy; from Guillielmus Becanus's 'Serenissi..., 1636. Creator: Cornelis Galle I.
Plate 35: Philip of Spain as Neptune, riding in a chariot drawn by two sea horses; from Gu..., 1636. Creator: Pieter de Jode II.
Plate 24: Charles V crowned Emperor by the Pope; from Guillielmus Becanus's 'Serenissimi P..., 1636. Creator: Pieter de Jode II.
Plate 20: Charles V and Ferdinand on Horseback; from Guillielmus Becanus's 'Serenissimi Pr..., 1636. Creator: Pieter de Jode II.
Plate 10: The King of Hungary and Ferdinand on horseback; from Guillielmus Becanus's 'Sere..., 1636. Creator: Pieter de Jode II.
Plate 8: Ferdinand on horseback crossing the Alps; from Guillielmus Becanus's 'Serenissimi..., 1636. Creator: Pieter de Jode II.
Plate 6: Ferdinand receiving the keys to the city of Ghent; from Guillielmus Becanus's 'Se..., 1636. Creator: Pieter de Jode II.
Plate 1: Ferdinand as Mars, standing on a pedestal; from Guillielmus Becanus's 'Serenissim..., 1636. Creator: Pieter de Jode II.