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Embroidery, 'The Salutation', 1910. Creators: Jane Cory, Mariotto Albertinelli.
The Holy Family, with Saint Elisabeth and the Infant Saint John the Baptist, 1653. Creator: Sébastien Bourdon.
The Virgin and Child with Saint Elizabeth and Saint John the Baptist, 1618. Creator: Peter Paul Rubens.
The Holy Family with Saints and Angels, 1606. Creator: Joachim Anthonisz Wtewael.
The Visitation, 1505. Creators: Jakob Strub, Hans Strub.
The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and the Infant Saint John the Baptist, c1525-1530. Creator: Sodoma.
The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and Saint John the Baptist, 1593. Creator: Aegidius Sadeler II.
Visitation (Meeting of Mary and Elizabeth in the Presence of Saints Joseph and Jerome), 1550-1600. Creator: Pellegrino Tibaldi (circle of).
The Holy Family, n.d. Creator: Ludwig Ferdinand Schnorr von Carolsfeld.
The Visitation, c. 1450/1460. Creator: Master ES.
The Visitation, 1460/1480. Creator: Master of the Borders with the Four Fathers of the Church.
Visit of Saint Elizabeth to the Holy Family, 1781. Creator: Maria Catharina Prestel.
The Holy Family with the Goldfinch. Creator: Boetius Adams Bolswert.
Saint Helena, Saint Brigitta and Saint Elizabeth, 1516. Creator: Hans Burgkmair, the Elder.
The Master of the World. Creator: Andrea Mantegna.
Sketch for the Church of Notre-Dame-de-Bonne-Nouvelle: Saint Elisabeth, c1840. Creator: Auguste Hesse.
The Virgin and Child with Saint Elizabeth and Saint John the Baptist, ca. 1650-1700. Creator: Anon.
The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and the infant Saint John the Baptist, holding..., ca. 1655-95. Creator: Anon.
Holy Family with St. Elizabeth, St. John the Baptist, and Two Angels in a Landscape. Creator: Donato Creti.
La Visitation, between 1632 and 1634. Creator: Jean de Saint-Igny.
La Visitation, between 1632 and 1634. Creator: Jean de Saint-Igny.
The Virgin and Child with Saint Elizabeth and John the Baptist in a landscape, St Jose..., ca. 1503. Creator: Jacopo de' Barbari.
The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and the infant Saint John the Baptist, ca. 1640-53. Creators: Jan Witdoeck, Peter Paul Rubens.
The Holy Family with Elizabeth and the infant Saint John the Baptist, the Virgin nu..., ca. 1635-42. Creators: Jan Witdoeck, Peter Paul Rubens.
The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and the infant Saint John the Baptist, ca. 1615-75. Creator: Lucas Vorsterman.
The Visitation (Schr. 59), 15th century., 15th century. Creator: Anon.
Christ on the cross flanked by the Virgin, Saint Brigit and Saint Eli..., ca. 1480-1500 (restrike?). Creator: Anon.
The Holy Family with Saint Elisabeth and the Infant John the Baptist, 1620. Creator: Lucas Vorsterman.
The Holy Family with Saint John and Saint Elizabeth, 1620. Creator: Lucas Vorsterman.
Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and Saint John the Baptist, ca. 1639. Creator: Simone Cantarini.
Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and Saint John the Baptist, copy in reverse a..., ca.1639 or after. Creator: Unknown.
Madonna and Child with Saints Elizabeth and John the Baptist (Madonna della Scodella), the..., 1606. Creator: Annibale Carracci.
'The Visitation with Saints Nicholas and Anthony Abbot', c1489-1490. Artist: Piero di Cosimo.
'The Nativity of John the Baptist', 16th century.  Artist: Giovanni Battista Naldini
'The Nativity of John the Baptist', 1550.  Artist: Jacopo Tintoretto
'The Holy Family with John the Baptist and Saint Elizabeth', 1644-1655.  Artist: Nicolas Poussin
'Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine, Elisabeth and John the Baptist', 1510s.  Artist: Andrea del Sarto
Naming of St John the Baptist, 12th century, (1892). Artist: Unknown
'Mary's Visit to Elizabeth', c1808. Artist: Unknown
Naming of Saint John the Baptist. Artist: Unknown
Centre panel of the Ortenberg Altarpiece, c1410-1420. Artist: Master of the Ortenberg Altar