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 10 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"Frederick I Barbarossa"Advanced Search
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Illustration for Johann Christoph Mayer's 'History of the Crusades', 1781. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Submission of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa to Pope Alexander III, 1712. Creator: Hieronymus Hau.
The Investiture of Bishop Harold as Duke of Franconia, ca. 1751-52. Creator: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.
'Barbarossa', (1122- 1190), 1830. Creator: Unknown.
Barbarossa pleads for help from Henry the Lion, 1176, (1936). Creator: Unknown.
Barbarossa bids farewell as he leaves on his crusade, 1189, (1936).  Creator: Unknown.
'Barbarossa', 1751-1752, (1928). Artist: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.
Frederick I, Barbarossa, 12th century Holy Roman Emperor, 13th century. Artist: Anon
Frederick I, Barbarossa (Redbeard) (c1123-1190), Holy Roman Emperor, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Death of Frederick I Barbarossa, 1190 (2nd half of 13th century). Artist: Unknown