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 6 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"Joanna of Castile"Advanced Search
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The Emperor Seated on His Throne, Seated Between Joanna of Castile and Mary of Burgundy, A..., 1515. Creator: Hans Springinklee.
The Betrothal of Philip the Fair with Joan of Castile, 1515. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Printed text for "The Betrothal of Philip the Fair with Joan of Castile", 1515. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Marriage of Philip the Fair to Joanna of Austria; Maximilian Recaptures the Occupied T..., 1515. Creator: Hieronymus Andreae.
The Betrothal of Philip and Joanna.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Joanna the Mad, Queen of Castile, c17th century (1894). Artist: Jonas Suijderhoef.