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 17 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"King Bahram V"Advanced Search
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Tile from a Frieze, Iran, second half 13th century. Creator: Unknown.
Bowl, Iran, 12th-13th century. Creator: Unknown.
Bowl with Bahram Gur and Azada, Iran, late 12th-early 13th century. Creator: Unknown.
Bahram Gur in the Blue Pavilion, Folio from Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, early 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Bahram Gur Shows His Skill Hunting, while Fitna Watches, Folio from a Haft..., mid-16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Bahram Gur in the Turquoise Palace on Wednesday, Folio 216 from a Khamsa...AH 931/AD1524-25. Creators: Shaikh Zada, Mahmud Muzahhib, Sultan Muhammad Nur.
Bahram Gur in the Dark Palace on Saturday, Folio 207 from a Khamsa..., A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25. Creators: Shaikh Zada, Mahmud Muzahhib, Sultan Muhammad Nur.
Bahram Gur on the Chase, Folio 10r from a Haft Paikar (Seven Portraits)..., of Nizami, ca. 1430. Creator: Maulana Azhar.
Bahram Gur and the Indian Princess in the Dark Palace on Saturday, Folio 23v..., ca. 1430. Creator: Maulana Azhar.
Bahram Gur in the Yellow Palace on Sunday, Folio 213 from a Khamsa..., A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25. Creators: Shaikh Zada, Mahmud Muzahhib, Sultan Muhammad Nur.
Bahram Gur in the Green Palace on Monday, Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, A.H. 931/A.D. 152 Creator: Unknown.
Bahram Gur in the Sandal Palace on Thursday, Folio 230 from a Khamsa..., A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25. Creators: Shaikh Zada, Sultan Muhammad Nur.
Bahram Gur in the White Palace on Friday, Folio 235 from a Khamsa..., A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25. Creators: Shaikh Zada, Sultan Muhammad Nur.
The Khaqan Captive Before Bahram Gur, Folio 578r from the Shahnama..., ca. 1530-35. Creator: Qasim ibn 'Ali.
Bahram Gur Before His Father, Yazdigird I, Folio 551v from the Shahnama..., ca. 1530-35. Creator: Dust Muhammad.
Bahram Gur Sees a Herd of Deer Mesmerized by Dilaram' s Music, Folio from..., 1597-98. Creator: Miskin.
Silver plate, Sasanian, c5th-c7th century. Artist: Unknown